Chapter Three

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Steve woke up to a dark cabin. The only light coming from the tv and the moon outside. He stretched his legs out in front of him as he turned to his left and took in the sight before him. Eddie eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open, letting out a slight snore. He smiled to himself as he watched his friend.

"Eddie. Eddie?" He spoke quietly and gave him a little shake. Instead of waking up the long haired man groaned and turned his face away from Steve. Smiling to himself again Steve stood up and bent down to pick Eddie up bridal style. It was obvious his friend wasn't going to wake up so he decided to carry him to his room.

Steve set him down on the bed and just as he went to leave the room he felt a hand grab his wrist. He stopped breathing for a second, the fluttering feeling in his stomach coming back. He turned back to find Eddie sleepily staring at him.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"Don't leave me, please."

Steve felt his heart shatter as he gazed down as the broken man. Once again he felt terrible for abandoning his friend when he needed him the most.

"I'm not going anywhere, Eddie. I promise," Steve bent down and whispered, putting his free hand over Eddies. "I'll be right next door if you need anything."

Eddie sleepily nodded his head and slowly turned over to face the wall. After a few seconds he was slightly snoring again and Steve couldn't help but think how adorable it was. He pulled the blanket up over Eddie and left the room, leaving the door a jar so he would be able to hear Eddie easily. He went into the kitchen and glanced at the clock to see that it was only 11pm. He decided to go to his room and unpack a couple of boxes before going to bed but as soon as he entered his room his eye lids began to feel heavy and he made his way to the bed. He didn't even bother to take his clothes. He just flopped down and let the darkness take him.

                            ____ ♡ ____

The sun started to rise and shone through Eddies bedroom window making him groan and cover his face with a pillow. After 10 minutes of snoozing he threw the pillow and the blanket off of himself and slowly got up. He looked around for his crutches but realised they were nowhere to be seen. He frowned as he remembered they were in the livingroom. Eddie didn't remember how he got to bed though. He always needed his crutches.

He sighed because grabbing the edge of the bed and pushing himself up slowly. He took a minute to make sure he wasn't going to fall over and then moved his right foot forward slowly. Then he did the same with his left. Keeping his balance wasn't easy but he seemed to be doing okay and was almost at the entrance to the livingroom before he felt one of his legs give way. Eddie waited for the impact of his left knee on the hard wooden floor but it never came. Instead he felt strong arms around his waist and hot breath on the back on his neck.

"Hey, you alright? Why didn't you call me for help?" Steve asked as he helped the man over the kitchen island and helped him sit down. He went over to get Eddies crutches and stood them up beside Eddie so he could move around on his own.

"I'm fine, man. I just don't remember how I got to my room without my crutches," Eddie said, trying to ignore the feeling he had gotten in his stomach when he had felt Steve's hot breath on his neck. "Did I crawl?"

Steve chuckled and shook his head, starting to grab everything he needed to make the both of them some breakfast. "I wasn't going to leave you on the sofa so I carried you back to your room. I forgot you would need your crutches in the morning."

Steve had his back to Eddie so he missed the small smile his friend gave him. He got some eggs and bacon out of the fridge and got to work. He made a mental note to himself to go grocery shopping today. Maybe a big shop so he wouldn't have to go back to town for a while.

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