Chapter Thirty One

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                   One Week Later

Steve sat by the phone, doodling on a notebook as he waited for a call from Joyce. She and Jonathan had gone on a road trip to California to look around and check out the housing market. Will was currently staying with Steve and Eddie until they came back so he and Max were currently watching a movie in the next room.

The day after the barbeque they had all gathered at the cabin again to discuss what they were going to do and when they were going to do it. They had all decided on where in Cali they wanted to move to due to Max. She wanted to move back to where she used to live with Billy and the others were happy to go along with it. Steve would have gone with Joyce and Jonathan but he didn't want to be away from his loved ones.

Nancy had already spoken to her parents and managed to convince them she wanted to go to college in California. They had been hesitant and didn't like the idea at first but they knew they couldn't keep her in Hawkins. Robin had also spoken to her parents and they had been more supportive, wanting their daughter to get out and explore outside of Hawkins. Obviously Jonathan, Will, El and Max would be going with their families which left Lucas, Mike and Dustin. Steve felt guilty about leaving the three teens back in Hawkins but he vowed to see them as often as he could until they were old enough to move themselves. Mike and Lucas had been upset with the news but they understood. They were willing to do long distance relationships. However, Dustin was another story. The curly haired boy was currently giving them all the silent treatment and it tore Steve up inside.

Steve stopped doodling and looked up as he heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. His heart skipped a beat as Eddie stepped through the doorway, flashing Steve his adorable smile. Eddie made his way over to his boyfriend and cupped his face in his hands.

"Are you okay Stevie?" He asked, noticing sadness in his eyes. 'Dustin still not replying?"

Steve shook his head, sighing heavily and leaning forward to bury his face in Eddies chest. "I feel terrible. I don't want him to think I'm leaving him behind!"

"We're not leaving him behind, you know. He will soon understand we can't stay here in hiding forever."

"I know, you're right. Doesn't make it any easier! I might go and see him later."

Eddie rubbed his back soothingly and planted a kiss to the top of his head. "I think thats a good idea, pretty boy. I'll spend some time with Max and Will."

Steve smiled up at his boyfriend and wondered how he had gotten so lucky. "I lov..."

He was cut off by the phone ringing and he quickly kissed Eddie on the cheek before answering the phone. Eddie winked at him and went to join the kids in the living room.


"Steve! I think we've found the perfect couple of houses and they are actually right next to each other." Joyces voice came through the phone, breaking up a little bit in places but he could still make out what she was saying. She sounded very excited and he couldn't help but smile.

"Thats great! How close are they to the beach?" Steve asked, hoping it was close so that the kids could go whenever they wanted to. It was important to him the young teens had a good place to hang out.

"Its about a five minute walk! And about a ten minute walk to town. I think this place will be perfect for us all! Although you'll have to come here to get the house. I've already gotten them to temporarily take them off the market."

"I'll head to the airport in a few hours and get a plane. Then I can just ride back with you and Jonathan!" He answered, starting to feel a bit sick at the thought of leaving Eddie and the kids. "I'll call you before I board the plane. Whats your hotel room phone number?"

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