Chapter Twenty One

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Steve walked into the livingroom to find Joyce pacing and listing off all the things they would need to get Max and worrying about how Max would take the news.

"Joyce?" Steve said, coming to a stop infront of her. She stopped rambling and gave him all her attention.

"What is it, sweetie?"

Steve heard footsteps behind him and turned his heard to see Eddie. He held out his hand for his boyfriend to take so they could do this together.

"We talked and we actually want to adopt Max. If you don't mind?" Eddie said as he took hold of Steves hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"I wasn't there to protect Max a few months ago," Steve sighed, looking down at his feet. "I'm not going to make that mistake again. I want to be her guardian."

"Yeah, Mama Steve!" Robin hollered from the sofa, fist pumping the air. The thought of Eddie and Steve adopting Max was amazing and she knew they'd be good parents.

"How can I say no to that? Of course I don't mind, my darlings! I can't think of anyone better to take Max." Joyce pulled both men into a hug. She felt all her worry over Max disappear. "If you need any help with anything like money or clothes etc just come to me, okay?"

Steve smiled and nodded. He knew he wouldn't need to ask for help with money though. His parents had a savings account that they paid into every months until he was 18. They had given him access to it a month before he moved out so he made sure to lock them out of the account so they couldn't take it away from him. They had abandoned him for most of his life after all. He had also put his earnings from the video store into it. He knew they would be okay for a while.

Hopper went to make them all some hot chocolate, relieved they wouldn't have another kid to look after. He loved all the kids dearly but El, Will and Jonathan were enough to deal with. As well as Mike who visited El often. Just as he had finished making the hot chocolate the phone rang again. He went to grab it but somehow Joyce was speedy and beat him to it. Instead he settled for holding her whilst she spoke to Nancy.

"Hey Nance, any news?"

Hopper could just about hear Nancy's voice through the phone but couldn't make out what she was saying.

"Oh my god, really? Poor thing! But they said it won't last? Thats good at least. Have you been allowed in to see her yet? No? Okay sweetie. Can you put Jonathan on the phone?"

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Jonathan chatted with his mum for a bit letting her know how the other kids were before he hung up and went back to the others who were sat in a row outside Max's room. Just as he got to them the door opened and the nurses all left, followed by the doctor who came to stand in front of them.

"I normally only let family in but due to Max's family circumstances I'm going to let you in to see her. But only two people at a time so as not to overwhelm her, okay? She might not remember much at first so be patient with her. Come and get me if she needs anything!" And with that the doctor left them and disappeared down the corridor.

"Lucas and Dustin can go in first." Nancy said. They nodded their heads eagerly and went into her room, slowly of course so as not to startle her.

Max groaned as the door opened. She was sick of the nurses already. She didnt want to see them again. To her surprise it wasn't a nurse though. Instead two boys came into view. Max didn't know who they were at first but they seemed familiar.

"Max?" The taller boy said, walking over to her slowly and sitting down in fhe chair next to her bed. The shorter boy came to stand behind him and he gave Max a small smile.

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