Chapter Twenty Four

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Over the next few days Max had started to settle in nicely. She was loving her new room as well as having Steve and Eddie looking after her. If she needed anything one of them was always there. She had never felt more loved.

It was 7am in the morning and Steve was the first one up, already frying bacon and eggs. He was humming a little tune to himself when he heard a weird cry come from the other side of the cabin. Immediately he turned the stove off and ran to Max's room, bumping into Eddie who was rushing out of their bedroom. Thankfully he had sweatpants on. Steve reached the door and threw it open.

"Max! Are you okay?" He asked as he rushed over to the young teen who was sat up in bed with her face in her hands.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" Eddie came over and crouched beside the bed while Steve sat on the bed.

Max slowly removed her face from her hands and looked at them with a smile on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. Both men were very confused.

"I remember! I remember Lucas!" She cried with happiness, reaching out to the two men as they both embraced her.

"Jeez Max, you scared us!" Steve said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry! I just woke up snd suddenly my memories of him came back all at once. It was a bit startling. I can't believe I forgot Lucas!"

Eddie and Steve pulled away. Eddie went and sat on the desk chair while Steve stayes beside Max.

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't choose to forget him! And the main thing is that you remember him now!" Eddie said, giving her a warm smile.

"Can I see Lucas today? Maybe I could go to his? I love it here but I need to get out of this room for a bit."

"Of course, I'l drive you. But only if you are feeling strong enough, okay? I'll go run you a nice warm bath." Steve said, hugging her again before getting up. "Babe, would you go and finish breakfast for me? I kind of left it in a rush."

Eddie nodded and followed him out of the room. He pulled Steve into him and planted a sloppy wet kiss on his boyfriends cheek knowing it would gross him out.

"Ew, Eddie!"

Eddie chuckled as he pushed Steve towards the bathroom and made his own way to the kitchen. He threw the bacon and eggs away since they were now cold and not fully cooked. He got some fresh ingredients out and got to work.

Meanwhile Steve had run Max a nice warm bath and went to help her. He guided her slowly to the bathroom and made sure she had everything she needed before he left.

"Hey Steve?" He heard Eddie say from the kitchen. He made entered tbe kitchen to see Eddie dishing up breakfast for themselves while he put Max's in the oven to keep warm.

"What's up, doe eyes?" Steve said as he sat at the kitchen island and stuffed some bacon into his mouth. He gave Eddie an open mouth smile, showing off the chewed up food.

Eddie put one hand on his heart and the back of the other hand against his forehead and let out an overly dramatic sigh. "Oh Steve, you're so sexy when you do that. Take me right here!"

Steve choked on the last bit of bacon and he laughed. He had not expected that but he loved how random and dramatic Eddie was. "Keep it in your pants, Munson."

"What are we going to do while Max is with Lucas?" Eddie asked as he ate his own food. They had enjoyed having Max home and they'd spent a lot of time together.

"How about I pick up some new movies from town? Or maybe we could get some board games? Those might be fun."

"Ooo, what if I teach you how to play D&D?!"

Recovery - Steddie ♡Where stories live. Discover now