Vol. 5, Chapter 2 - New History Time

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Part 1
(Ayanokoji POV)

The weather was fair, all things considered. For an exam like this, it being too hot would cause risks for the health of the students undertaking it. Traveling beneath shaded areas would be the most ideal means of protecting one's self while ensuring that you resume your progress. It's precisely what I'm doing now.

After completing the Grip Strength task in C6, I opened my tablet, and checked which task I should go for next. After some thinking, I decided on my next destination: the 100 Meter Dash at C4. Karma just informed me that he'll be taking another written test at D8.

However, the journey to from C6 to C4 was not an easy one. There was a large mountain between both sites. In order to get there, one would need to climb over it, or go around it. When I checked the map again, I found that there was a narrow valley that cuts through the mountain at B4. I could pass through D5, but that would involve having to deal with the large river. I wanted to avoid any situation, or events that would get me drenched.

There was also another reason why I chose the path of going around the mountain from C6 to the valley at B4. Because the valley is narrow, I could use it to lose the third years chasing my tail. It won't be easy for a large number of them to squeeze through the valley. It may not stop them, but it would slow them down by a lot. However, I would need to throw them off with a reason for going to B6 first. 

Fortunately, there were other tasks nearby that would've been more convenient, however all of them were academics-oriented events, hence why I opted not to go for them. However, as luck would have it, there was another swimming event in B6. Since I didn't want to get drenched, participating in that event was out of the question, however I could use it to mislead my pursuers.

And so, I made my way to B6. Once I was near the middle, I slowed down my pace in order to give time for the third years to catch up. Once I had fooled them into thinking I would partake in the swimming event, they waited no time in turning to its direction. Once we were a good distance away and they were headed towards the swimming event, I made a curved turn towards the valley at the bottom right corner of B4.

 Once we were a good distance away and they were headed towards the swimming event, I made a curved turn towards the valley at the bottom right corner of B4

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As I jumped from branch to branch, outpacing the 3rd years below me, I conversed with Karma over the walkie-talkie. He reported to me his current circumstance, which happens to be the same as mine, while another batch of third years try to intercept me.

"These guys just don't stop at all." He said through the walkie-talkie.

"Neither will the ones in my area. I can't keep travelling like this forever."

"Yeah. As much as I like to keep messing with them like this, I can't keep this up for 2 weeks."

Even if our stamina were above the average person's, it's still not unlimited. It's especially bad for me, since I opted to go for physical ability-oriented events. If I'm not careful in conserving my stamina, it would only hamper my performance.

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