The Presentation of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard

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Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard turns 15 years old, forty-five days after the birth of her little sister, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, Duchess of Gloucester Territory.

It is a big day for Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard as she will be presented by her father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard to polite society at her cotillion.

As tradition dictates, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard will be dressed in a white lace Victorian dress with a high collar and necklace that was given to her by her paternal grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and she will wear the cornet of Norfolk upon her head.

With Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and her father to escort to her cotillion. There is a guarantee of no improper looks at Lady Elizabeth by other younger men who are attending the cotillion with their fathers in search of a bride for their sons.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard is on the balcony in the Grand Hotel in Norfolk with their eldest son, Lord Anthony Christopher watching Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Charles Andrew Howard III escort Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard into the ballroom of the Grand Hotel in Norfolk.

When Lord Andrew Charles and his brother, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III with Lady Elizabeth pass by every man and lady bows and curtsy to them and Lord Andrew Charles acknowledges it and walks by escorting Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III is punching his fists together as he is looking for a good fight.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard stands reserve with Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard and many fathers with their sons walk up to where they are standing with propositions of marriage.

Lord Andrew Charles tells them, "Listen here. My wife and I don't agree with these barbaric practices of pre-arranged marriages for our children."

"We want our children to be happy with those who they marry." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My daughter will one day become the first Duchess of Norfolk Territory." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Any man that marries her must agree that the first child is given the surname of Howard so it remains within my family." Lord Andrew Charles tells the other men with their sons.

Lady Elizabeth tells the father with their sons " When I do become Duchess of Norfolk Territory. Let me tell you something. I plan to ensure the law of matrilineal primogeniture and it will exclude any sons that I have from ever inheriting the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory unless the daughter and sister doesn't want the territory."

"All throughout history, the sisters and daughters have been excluded until my great-grandfather saw fit to change it." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Now, if your sons and you can agree. I may consider one of them, but when it comes down to it. Will I love your son and will your son love me?" Lady Elizabeth asks.

"Lady Howard. Aristocrats don't marry for love." One father tells her.

"I am not your ordinary aristocrat."Lady Elizabeth states, "I won't marry unless I marry for love."

"Do you really expect me to bed with your son if I don't love him?" Lady Elizabeth asks.

The fathers and their sons look at Lord Andrew Charles and ask him " Do you agree with your daughter, Your Grace?"

"I most certainly do because I married her mother for the same reason and my father and mother agreed." Lord Andrew Charles tells them.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III asks" Any more questions?"

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