The Grand Entrance of The Duchess of Clarence Territory

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Sixteen months later, Lord Andrew Charles has to escort his second daughter, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory to her cotillion and present her to polite society.

Lady Samhain requests that her third cousin, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory also escort her along with her father,Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Karissa forgoes tradition when it comes to dear "Peace-maker" and she dresses her in a regal Victorian dress of golden silk and train and with her hair down.

Lady Karissa places the coronet of Clarence Territory on her head and she tells her " Be proud Lady Samhain. Your father and Lord Richard William Carey will escort you into the ballroom. Your grandfather and uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and your second cousins, Lord David William Beck Senior and his son, Lord David William Beck II will be there too."

"I will be watching from the balcony with your brother,Lord Anthony Christopher." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Don't worry about anything as your uncle is in a fighting mood this evening and he is looking to knock some blocks off some men tonight." Lady Karissa tells Lady Samhain.

"Many fathers and their sons will approach your father for your hand in marriage, but tell them you are not on the marriage market."Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Ask questions if you want to as it can't hurt." Lady Karissa tells her" but don't answer any personal questions."

"Make sure they are general questions and steer away from questions about politics, religion, race, and in particular sex, but I really don't understand why." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Any other questions are fine." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Remind them that you are Duchess of Clarence Territory and you have a duty towards your great-great-great-grandfather and your family first." Lady Karissa tells Lady Samhain.

Lord Andrew Charles walks in " Are we ready to start off at the Grand Hotel in Norfolk?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I guess as much as we can be." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Lady Samhain. You look very beautiful this evening. I don't know why all these stuffy occasions expect their daughters to dress in virginal white when they are not even virgins." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa

"I don't know Andrew Charles. I don't make the rules, and I believe the rules were made up by Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III." Lady Karissa states.

"I don't believe in rules anyway, and I will dress our daughters for their cotillions." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"I believe during that time most of the daughters didn't have a title, but only a dowry or if the daughters were their father's heiresses, the father's were looking to marry their worthless sons to daughters who would inherit their father's title and property." Lady Karissa states.

"Most of the fathers were still alive, and the young man had to wait until her father passed and he would inherit the title because he married the daughter." Lord Andrew Charles explains "Well that won't be the case when it comes to Lady Samhain as no man is going to inherit the title that I gave her and her great-great-great-grandfather wouldn't approve anyway." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"What man she picks will merely be her husband and not even a consort." Lord Andrew Charles states, "He better come with a title and he better inherit his father's title."

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