The Mark

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3rd person pov :


The manager saw all of them clutching their shoulders one by one and in pain, especially Jeongin. The boy was practically screaming as if his shoulder was being ripped apart. After like about 30 seconds the pain vanished and they all stopped looking in pain. Chan looked at his shoulder again but the mark was not there anymore. He swore he saw a mark , almost glowing on his shoulder a few seconds ago.

They noticed Jeongin was still on the floor and helped him up.

Everyone was silent for a good 3 seconds before Han spoke. "I wasn't the only one who saw it was I? "

They all shook their heads confirming that they saw it too. But the question was..... what was that? Was it a new mark? Then who was their new mate? Why did it disappear ? What did that mean?

Everyone except Jeongin ran back to the doctors room , startling the poor beta doctor.

The doctor was startled to see the 7 Alphas rushing through the door and didn't know what was happening because they were all screaming something together. All he could make out were the words "mark" and "disappeared " and a Jisung who kept on screaming "WHY WHY WHY"

"CALM DOWN KIDS. YOU'RE SCARING HIM. " Stray kids turned to see their manger enter the room supporting Jeongin by the shoulders.

"What happened to Jeongin? Why is he..... weak? It's been just 10 minutes since I left his room. What happened? " the doctor inquired.

Chan's pov

I explained to the doctor about the sudden pain, the mark, how it disappeared and how Jeongin was the most affected; atleast by the looks of it. He seemed to be the one who had it rough since the pain left him weak on the knees unlike us.

I saw the doctors eye's widening for a brief second . He calmly sat there for a good one minute, lost in thought before he asked us to show him the place where our marks appeared. As expected, there was nothing. Not even a trace.

"Doctor, so what was it? We clearly saw a mark. " I saw Changbin asking the doctor again.

"I am as puzzled as you guys are, since this whole Alpha, beta,omega thing is still new to the world. I will search if such similar cases have happened and I will have to study it before I can tell you anything. I'm sorry for not being to be of help as of now. And about Jeongin, I'm suspecting it's because he's just newly presented. His pheromones and his body as a whole is sensitive, as the surroundings are still new to him. That might be the reason why he felt the pain stronger than others. "

All of us could only nod our heads in disappointment as we were still left with questions. We thanked the doctor and saw our manger exchanging numbers with the doctor so that he can contact him as soon as something about this whole "magic mark" is known.

Soon we got into our car, Jeongin almost asleep as we drove off to our dorm.

Meanwhile with Ha Joon

Ha Joon was returning home from Jyp when he felt strange. He felt a slight pain in his lower abdomen. Ha Joon ignored it and got off the bus at his stop.

Ha Joon's pov

I was sitting in the bus when I felt a stabbing pain in my abdomen. I ignored it at first but it was getting worse. When I reached my building I rushed to the elevator. The pain in my abdomen was so painful that I felt like I was going to lose my consciousness. I gripped my abdomen through the clothes hoping to ease the pain. It was then that I realised I was sweating profusely. Sweating would be an understatement. I was sweating buckets. My whole body felt like it was on fire. As soon as I reached my floor I got out of the elevator and ran to my apartment ,silently thanking God that no one was around or they would've been convinced that I was on the run after murdering someone. I looked like I've seen a ghost and I knew it. I got into my apartment and locked the door.

"What's... going on...? " I thought to myself as I was practically tearing away the clothes from my body.

"Was I running a fever? Was that it? Water, I need... I need water"

I drank some water still clutching on my stomach. My body felt like it would melt any second. The pain along with this burning made tears form in my eyes.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom, turned on the cold water and submerged myself in my tub. It was then that I felt a little better. Suddenly I felt as though someone had stabbed a knife through my shoulders. It was so painful that my scream echoed through the bathroom walls. I turned my head to look at my shoulder.

That's when I saw it. Something..... glowing? A shape? A symbol? Wait...

I saw it only for a brief moment before it disappeared but I am sure of what I saw.
A mark. I saw a freaking mark on me!!

I realized that the heat on my body had subsided and the pain in my abdomen along with the one on my shoulders had disappeared. Along with whatever that mark was? Can I call it a mark? But I'm a beta. Beta's don't get marks unless someone gives them one, making them join a pack. It never happens naturally like this. And why did (whatever it was) disappear?

What tf happened here!? AM I DYING!?

Well what do you think folks. Is our Ha Joon dying before his youth tastes spring? Or is he being his usual dramatic self? Oh dear Joonie.... smh.

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