The Truth

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3rd person pov

Ha Joon reached the airport and called a taxi.

"Seoul National University Hospital. Please hurry up." Ha Joon told the driver as soon as he entered the taxi.

Within half an hour, Ha Joon reached the said place and paid the driver. He opened his phone and looked at the floor and room number Chan had sent him.

Upon reaching the floor, which was of course a private floor, he saw JYP staffs at the entrance of the designated floor. As soon as they saw Ha Joon they let him enter. It was easy to locate the room Jeongin was in, because it was literally the only room on that floor.

Ha Joon knocked on the door and opened it to see 8 pairs of eyes looking at him. As soon as it registered to skz that it was their hyung they all started running towards him, well except for Jeongin cause if he did Ha Joon would put him back on the hospital bed admitted once again but this time due to a head injury from Ha Joon's infamous flying kick, taught to him by his one and only noona Hwa Jin herself.

"Hyungie, we missed you!!"
"Hyungggg why are so lateeeee"

"GUYS CALM DOWN, I CAN'T BREATHE" It's only when Ha Joon screamed that they realized they had been almost chocking their hyung by the group hug.

"Omg, we're so sorry hyungie" Felix said with a pout. "It's fine, I'm okay now. Besides it makes me really happy to know that you guys missed me". Ha Joon looked at everyone, patting each of their heads before heading off to Jeongin's side.

"How are you now, Jeongin-a? " Ha Joon asked sitting beside their maknae. "I'm already better hyung. Dr. Kim said I could be discharged today itself if I wanted to".

" That's great. So are we taking the discharge today itself or should we wait for one more day to make sure he's okay?" Ha Joon asked turning to face Chan.

"We don't mind him staying for one more day but innie doesn't want to. And since he's already okay now, we thought we'll do as he says". Ha Joon nodded his head in understanding.

"On another note hyung..... You seem like you are tired, almost sick but at the same time.... you look more beautiful? Glowing? I don't know how to explain" Hyunjin said feeling perplexed at his own words.

"He's right. I was feeling the same thing too! I thought it was just me" Han said backing up Hyunjin's words.

"What do you mean by I look tired and beautiful at the same time" Ha Joon said laughing at the contradictions.

"But it's kinda true hyung... It's like your features are more prominent now buuuuut you also have eye bags" Minho said examining Ha Joon.
"Damn. He was already beautiful but now he seems even more beautiful. Fuck. I should calm down". Minho thought to himself as he tried to pry his eyes off of their oldest hyung. It wasn't different for the rest of skz too as they all nervously tried to not be caught by Ha Joon for staring.

"I was only away for one day and it seems you guys missed me too much that it has made you all delusional". Ha Joon said shaking his head.

"But it's true though" Han said pouting.

"Hyung" Ha Joon turned around to the owner of the voice.

"Yes, Seungmin?" 

"Why were you so late on arriving? I thought you would follow us on the very next flight".

Before Ha Joon could answer, Jeongin cut him off.

" Is it because of me? Did I hurt you? Is it because you wanted to hide it that you purposely stayed there? " Ha Joon saw Jeongin's eyes tearing up as he spoke.

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