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It was morning and everyone was busy running about the house. Their ride was here and no one was ready.

"I can't find my shoes!!"

"Hey, don't touch my sausage!"

"Felix, come down fast"

"Hyunjin, for the 19573th time your hair looks perfect"

Ha Joon was not surprised by any of this. He calmly found Han's shoes which were lying under the bed, calmed down an angry felix who was furious over Jeongin trying to eat his sausage, a Changbin who was desperately trying to get Felix to come down , Chan who wanted nothing more than to make Hyunjin believe that his hair was indeed pretty and the list went on.

At last everyone was in their respective assigned cars, already on their way to the airport from where they'll fly to Jeju, planning the activities, without knowing that no amount of planning could save them from what awaited them in Jeju.


It was evening when they finally settled down in their rooms. They spend the whole day roaming around the beach, visiting famous restaurants recommended by stays, making vlogs etc.

The second day went by in a similar way only exception being some members sleeping in while the others went fishing.

It was night time when Jeongin called everyone outside. The rest of the stray kids were confused as to why their youngest mate had messaged in the group chat asking all of them to meet him in the backyard.

"Does anyone know why he asked for everyone to be present at the backyard at this time? It's already dark outside" Chan asked turning to the rest of his mates.

"I don't know, and Ha Joon hyung is also no where to be seen." Felix replied still trying to look for any traces for their beloved manager.

"True! I wanted to go on a walk with Ha Joon hyungie but couldn't see him anywhere" Han said with a cute little pout that made Minho almost lose his control.

They had all grown incredibly close to their new manager, in an alarming speed. They couldn't say exactly when it is or what it is but they all felt it. A pull, deep inside them. Ha Joon felt like home. Almost like the last piece of a puzzle has been placed. And Chan felt the same but just couldn't accept it.

They all opened the backdoor leading to the backyard revealing a giddy Jeongin with Ha Joon.

"What is all this..?" Hyunjin said looking around. A table was put together in the middle of the yard with a grill and perfectly sliced meat placed near it.

"It's a barbecue party. This little bread here wanted to surprise y'all and who am I to decline everyone something fun as this. So I helped him" Ha Joon said handing everyone a can of beer. "I wouldn't normally allow this but today everyone is allowed to get drunk given no one leaves the cottage premises. I know you're all grown ups but you're also idols with potential threat of sasaengs appearing out of nowhere. So keep that in mind kids. Now everyone help Jeongin start a campfire, that boy literally dragged me around to collect wood. " Ha Joon said giving a huff and a side eye to Jeongin.

"It's not my fault you are weak hyung! I literally carried everything. Seriously though hyungie, how are you so weak. If it wasn't for me knowing you I would've assumed you're an omega." Jeongin said as a matter of fact.

"Yah!! Respect your hyung!! No wonder you and Hwa Jin noona clicked as soon as you both met. She even called me just to brag about how she finally had someone to join her in teasing me. I can't believe this. Why me!? Also, I'm not WEAK!" Ha Joon said pinching the tip of his nose.

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