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3rd person pov

It was the next day, and Ha Joon was the first to wake up. He washed his face, brushed his teeth and decided to go downstairs. He opened his door. He hadn't gotten the time to actually look around the house and so only now does he notice that his room was opposite to the in-built studio. The only other rooms on this floor were another living room, Chan's room, Changbin's room, Han's room and Felix's room.

"Makes sense for the 3racha's rooms to be close to the studio. If the rumours are indeed true that they spend their entire lives inside that studio, then it'll be easy for me to drag their asses back to their rooms..." Ha Joon thinks to himself.

He decides to go downstairs and and prepare food as that's one of the few things he actually likes doing.

Just as he expected, there was almost nothing to make food with.

"Makes sense, they did just move in yesterday... "

He continued to rummage through the kitchen and ends up on deciding to make just simple toast, scrambled eggs and sausages.


Minho was usually the first one to wake up as he normally prepared food for his mates unless they decides to eat at the company canteen. But today he was welcomed by the smell of something.... Food. Minho thought to himself. He quickly rushed to the kitchen only to see Ha Joon still in his pyjamas with bed hair and an apron on.

Minho's pov


I saw him turning to face me, startled by my sudden scream.

"What do you mean, "what I'm doing"? It's obvious what I'm doing". He says pointing to the pan and then his apron.


Wait no.


" And who told you to make food for us. Just make for yourself and go". I said feeling irritated. This person is just waltzing his way into our life like nothing.

"Well Minho, there's a reason why Jyp needed a personal manager for the team. That means I'll be taking care of personal matters concerning you guys. Food is essential for you to gain energy for your daily practice, so it comes under my job requirements to take care of that". He replies as though it was obvious.

Too bad, it's time to put him and his confidence into place.

3rd person pov

"Take care of our personal matters you say huh... " Minho says moving closer to Ha Joon.

He traps Ha Joon against the counter, hands on both sides. He moves closer to Ha Joon's face and stops near his ear. "Are you sure you can handle that?"
He says and unknowingly moves close towards Ha Joon's neck, dangerously close to his nape.

Fuck. What is this sweet smell. Did he always smell so good. Ahh... I can't stop myself.

Soon Minho moves away from his neck realising what he was about to do. But before Minho could process what was happening, he was pulled and pressed against the kitchen counter, reversing their positions.

"Is this you how you welcome your hyung early in the morning? Aren't you a bold little one?" Ha Joon whispers into Minho's ear sending shivers down his spine. He moves away from Minho releasing him.

"Call everyone down, breakfasts ready."

"Oh and also, you should stop sniffing people's neck without warning".

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