Im broke (not an update) and online dead. (is that a thing..? anyways)

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Omg guys 😭
Where do I start.


My phone broke down. Like it just shuts down on its own. And 2 days 3 days after my laptop does the same.
And both were under repair. And literally, LITER-FORKING-LY all the devices at my home started doing the same and now they're saying it's some shit with the wiring in the house like wtf.

Anyways, I just got everything fixed up.
I'm sorry for all this shit, even though it's all on the wiring but yeah.

Also, all this repairing of electronic thingies...
I'm officially broke. Being broke in your twenties ain't good but who said life's good anyways.

Thank you (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ')♡

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