Chapter 27

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Every story is beautiful
But ours is my favourite


" This b*tch can't quit even though he has my brother. " Jihyun angrily remarked tossing the note in the bin.

He has thought MIN was Minsun but seeing him all injured in the hospital he had second thoughts.

He walked into the coffee shop to see it unusually crowed.

" Hey Jihyun! have you seen Changmin? " Karina exclaimed as she ran to him in a hurry.

" He didn't come to work today?! " Jihyun questioned.

Karina shook her head. " He was supposed to be here for his shift an hour ago but he's not responding - could you see if he's okay? "

Jihyun nodded. " Don't worry I'll be on it. "

Jihyun pulled out his phone and dialed his number but no luck once again.

" He's probably just sick. Yes don't panic. " Jihyun said to himself while rushing to changmins  apartment.

His hands were shaking as he pulled out the spare key Changmin gave him.

Jihyuns brother was already missing, he was terrified that MIN would slowly take Everyone he loves.

" Hyun! " The five year old exclaimed with tears falling down his eyes.

" Where's your brother? Why are you alone? " Jihyun exclaimed wiping the tears off his eyes.

" Bad people took Hyung. " Hanuel sobbed.

" Shhh, don't cry okay? I'll get your brother back okay?  "

" Promise? "

" Yeah I promise. "





" I have a morning shift can't you do this  tomorrow? Also my brother is too young to be alone, can I atleast call - "

" Shut it! You're being kidnapped! " MIN exclaimed.

" Well that's f*cking obvious I'm tied to a chair. " Changmin replied.

" You're not scared of me? " MIN exclaimed coming closer to the light.

Changmin couldn't see their face as it was covered with a mask.

" I've been in this situation a few times. It doesn't phase me at this point - "

Changmin turned towards Jimin who was tied to the end of a bed.

" Don't worry this guy is all bark and no bite. " Changmin muttered.

" Oh don't worry I'll bite you in a second. " MIN remarked.

" No thankyou I have a boyfriend. "

" SHUT UP! Nevermind that, you don't want to know why you're held here? "  MIN questioned.

Changmin laughed. " You're scared Yuki, Because I've found out everything. "




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