The Seawitch's Regret (17)

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A Young Girl's Pleas

When the evening came, I was waiting in her room.

She carefully stepped in her room, holding something behind her back. She was faced away and thus, did not notice my presence yet.

I could feel her wanting to scream internally from excitement.

She was making it a lot harder on me.

"Hey Levy," I exclaimed, moving my legs as I sat on the bed of the room.

She turned around in surprised as if she didn't expect me. She mouthed something. I saw her scribble down something and held it to my face with a frown showing on hers.

'When did you get here?
And how long you've been waiting'

I smiled, "Awhile, but it is fine. I just missed you that's all. I guess he's more interesting than me," I laughed dryly, the words I spoke almost hurt me.

She shook her head,

'That's not true and you know it'

"Sorry I don't mean to act all jealous, what an Ardizevepa can do when my only friend is never around. I don't mean to be clingy but I heard something..." I frowned, turning my head away.

'No, I understand how you feel. It isn't fair to you.'

I then glanced back at her, "Well how was your day?"

Levy began writing... and writing... And writing for so long.

She ripped out several pages and gave it to me.

Abyss was she giving me a book to read.

'Today was so wonderful. Lucino showed me his garden. It was so beautiful, I loved every place he had shown me so far. You should come by sometime. I'm sure he won't mind,'
she wrote on the first several pages.

I looked at the next section to see that she talked more about him,
'He's so selfless, I never met another like that. He even offered to carry me some when I get tired and my feet hurt too much from the pain. I wrote down and talked about everything excluding the part that I'm a mermaid from the sea.'

'He stated he was going to choose a bride soon, I know he'll pick me. I'm so excited. He even kissed me on the cheek yesterday. It's not the lips, but I know he will soon.'
Then I finally finished what she wrote.

Oh how could I tell her everything with all she said.

She seems so happy and loves him so much.

I could only think in despair. Those are just rumors and maybe he is selfish and won't believe them.

I knew she loved him, after all..

A Mermaid's love was the greatest thing and if the prince accepted it, she could finally be happy. I understood that and that is why I know when Levi is with me, she could never be happy, for I am not her lover nor would ever be. And if he gives her his love, then she will gain tears and finally have a soul. Then when she deceased, like a sad lullaby she will go to an immortal afterlife.

Levy turned to me and wrote down a phrase,

'Lehz? You are silent'

I laughed, "Yeah sorry, I was just thinking. You must be very happy right now. It must be filled with so much joy..." I trailed off, lying through every word, "I can't believe it. Oh I wish I could be there too. It just sounds like you haven't had any fun before this. Oh I'm. So. Incredibly. Jealous. Of you." I bit my lip on accident, tasting a metal flavour in my mouth.

The Seawitch's Regret: A Little Mermaid Retelling ✅Where stories live. Discover now