The Seawitch's Regret (21)

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A Price for Magic

How could you laugh at this moment when right before your eyes a tragedy was unfolding.
How could you sit here and act like everything was fine when in reality nothing but a harsh future was in the making.

You cry yourself to sleep, hoping for once, you could forget everything and take a break from reality.  But now more than ever, your dreams consist of miracles and wonders that are always much better than the harsh tragic reality.

I wanted to laugh.  Oh how I've been terribly wrong.

How am I to explain their sister will die any day now because of me.

And they were the two that actually seemed to care for Levy and didn't hate me.

But maybe Laiken would be cool about it, he always was.

I stepped into the sea and my illusion disappeared.

They stared at me and nodded without a single question to bare.

They weren't even surprised at this rate.  Did they have a feeling it would be me.

For awhile, nobody said anything we just started back at the other.  Maybe it was to intimidate the other or maybe it was to see what the other would do.  But it wasn't until I said,

"I'm sorry." I then headed up the sandbar, but Laiken pulled at my arm.

"What?  What do you mean by that?" Laiken didn't give in to anything I said. "You can't just stare at us for so long and say sorry then leave?  I haven't seen you in a few weeks-- nor have I seen my Little Sister,"

He was always reasonable and never took anyone's stupidity.
He always pointed out the king's flawed viewpoints and ideas.

I turned to him sadly, "She..." I pressed my lips together unsure how do I say it.

"Come on, we won't be mad.  Just say it already!" Lysandria exclaimed, "It honestly was something.  Everyone wanted her back.  Even Father who doesn't seem to care except doing what's right.  We were just planning to but... We stopped doing anything with the kingdom until she is found," Lysandria smiled.

Laiken then looked down and paused, "She is a human isn't she?  She was talking about that the last few days I saw her.  She was different--- I mean she always was, but then she seemed done with everything." He looked down sadly,

"She was done with Lilac, Lusamine, and Lauretta." I was told softly, "She was done with Father.  And she was done with everyone telling her what to do and judging her."

I then nodded my head, "You're right.  She asked me to turn her into one.  I couldn't refuse her.  I never could... I guess and now I am afraid for her entire existence.  I never wanted to hurt her, but she is running out of time.  She saved a human once and made herself believe he was in love with her.  But now that human is marrying another.  And if that happens the next sunset she'll die." I looked down and watched their faces turn to anger or just get mad at me, but they didn't.

Instead their faces soften.

"Alehkzir..." Laiken widen his eyes, "I don't blame you because when Levy wants something we all feel the same way.  We want her to be happy.  So now I must ask, what spell did you use?"

I smiled sadly at his words, "I shouldn't have done any of this.  But she was so determined that she would be fine that I did it.  I did it despite the fact-- that she will feel as if knives and swords were cutting her feet and slicing her fin in half every time she walked.  I did it despite the fact-- her voice would never be heard again.  Now... I want to so badly take her place."

The Seawitch's Regret: A Little Mermaid Retelling ✅Where stories live. Discover now