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Clutching unto the hand that was still gripping on his waist, All Might could feel blood in his mouth as he cough out a bit. The blood had stained his white button shirt. He could feel his consciousness slipping as he was pulled down by the Nomu in the warp underneath him.

"All Might!"

Two voices cried out as All Might turned his head upwards towards the sound. He found his precious students running down from the hill towards him and the villains, screaming for his name.

Hana pull out her scarf to pull the hero out of the warp but was stopped when she saw her friend dashed in front of her before she could do anything. "Wait, Izuku! Don't be reckless!"

She was too late to even stopped the freckled boy as he jumped to All Might, letting out a hand. The warp villain appeared in front of him and create a warp. "Foolish kid."

Just before Midoriya's hand could touch the warp, an explosion was heard near them as the warp villain was blasted away from them.

"Move. You're in the way, Deku!"

Their explosion friend had came, blasting the warp as Midoriya was sent backwards a bit. Bakugou took a hold of the warp villain's armor and slammed him down, trapping him.

Ice trails appeared and trapped the Nomu, freezing it as All Might could feel its grip loosening. "Todoroki?" He saw the duel haired boy not far from them, glaring at the villains. The blonde hero grabbed its hands to let himself out and land beside Todoroki, gripping onto his wound.

Hana ran towards the blue haired villain to attack him, clearly unsatisfied to what he had done. "You are going to pay for what you did to my father!" She created a spiky spear made out of ice as she tried to land a hit on the villain, who dodge fluently. He got a hold on her weapon and perished it, shocking the brunette.

A red haired male came in and separate Hana and the villain just in time, trying to attack him in the process. "Damn it, I didn't get to show off!"

"Kirishima!" Hana exclaimed, grateful for his help.

Him and Hana backed themselves by the others, the warp villain still being pinned by Bakugou. "Kacchan. Everyone..." Midoriya murmured, looking around.

Being surrounded by hero newbies may be an advantage for him, but seeing his companions pinned down, he started to overthink. The remaining villain looked over to his warp friend. He was surprised that someone could even lay a hand on him, even so he was made out of warp. "Kurogiri, our exit and entrance has been overcome. We're in a pinch."

Bakugou smirked. "You careless bastards. You're just what I thought you'd be. Only a certain parts of you can turn into a misty warp gate. The fog gate is covering your actual body, right?" He stated. "Back then... If you were completely made out of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said 'that was close'."

His statement had made the warp villain, Shigaraki grunt, trying to move but stopped when Bakugou made a little explosion on his armor.

"Wow, Katsuki actually using his brain."

"Oi! I heard that, dumbass!" The ash blonde yelled at the brunette as she stuck a tongue towards him. Ignoring the girl, he smirked towards the villain underneath him. "If I see you moving suspiciously, the I'll blow you up."

Both Hana and Kirishima frown to his action. "His action is very hero-like..."

"Katsuki, you don't go saying something smart with that face. Stop it. I might mistaken you as a villain."

"Okay, dumbass. You really wanna go right now? Huh?!"

The blue haired villain watched the two fighting over words. "In addition of capturing them, they're all almost uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad." He turned to the mutant, calling it out.

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