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"I'm sorry, Eraserhead. Your wife is... Dead."

Those four letters was not meant to be together. The black hair man thought. His eyes widened in shocked from the other man in front of him. In his arms was a baby wrapped with a blanket, sound asleep.

The black hair, Shota Aizawa, gulped before looked down. The man in front of him gave him a sympathy look and patted his shoulder. "I am sorry for your lost. She didn't deserve this." With that, he left.

Aizawa was shaking as his gripped on his baby got a little tight. He took a seat on one of the stools. The hospital was quite, no one was around and the atmosphere was filled with sadness. He looked down at his baby, still sound asleep with her peaceful face. Aizawa rubbed her cheeks.

"Hana, I don't know how to live with this life anymore. Without your mother, I can't take care of you all alone." He said to her daughter as he silent let out little tears. He hugged her baby daughter, leaning his forehead on hers. "Hachi doesn't deserve this. It should've been me."

He started to blame himself even more. He doesn't care if anyone heard him. He blame himself about the death of his wife. He blame himself about why he let his wife go. He felt miserable, until a pair of tiny warm covered hands touched his cheeks. He open his eyes and met a pair of bright yellow eyes looking straight at him. He smiled while crying.

"... Of course I can't leave you alone. You're my only family left for me." He stood up and rooked his daughter to sleep as he let her head rest on her shoulders and rubbed her back. Making her comfortable and warm. "I promise you that I will protect you, and will always be there for you."

He soon left the hospital with his daughter sleeping in his arms.


4 years later

"Papa, look!" A little girl exclaimed as she ran towards the living room, where her father was.

Aizawa looked up from his newspaper. "What is it, Hana?"

Hana stopped and jumped excitedly as she put her little hands out and cold fogs soon came out. "I got my quirk!"

Aizawa was stunned, and proud as well. He put down the newspaper and gave his cup to Hana. "Try freezing this."

Hana was confused and nodded. She took the cup and gave it a squeeze. Suddenly, the cup was frozen. Hana gasped happily. "Look! I have ice powers!"

Aizawa smiled sadly, remembering that she got her mother's quirk. Hana realize this. "What's wrong, Papa?"

"Eh? Nothing. I'm just proud of you." Aizawa said as he signal Hana to sit on his lap. Hana quickly climb on his legs and sat on it.

"Since you have your quirk now, might as well train you, huh?"

"Of course! But..." Hana trailed off. Aizawa was confused to why she did. "You don't have ice quirk. How come I don't have erasing quirk like yours?"

Aizawa smiled sadly again. "That's because your mom has that quirk, and you have her quirk."

Hana smiled brightly. "Really?! Mama's quirk is ice too?!"

Aizawa nodded as he watch his daughter be all happy about her having her mother's quirk. The next day, she went to the playground and found herself with her friends, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya and a few other guys.

Hana was about to show her quirk, until Bakugo's hands started to make popping sound. The boys gasped in amazement. "Woah, is that your quirk?! Cool!"

"Yeah, finally you can beat some ass!"

Bakugo smirked and smirked more wider when Hana came to view. "Oi, Hacchan! Come here and check this out!"

Hana came closer to them as Bakugo show her his quirk. Hana's eyes sparkled. "Wow, that's awesome! But it feels...dangerous."

Bakugo retrieve back his hands and smirked. "Yeah, it's dangerous. That way, I can easily be number one hero like All Might!"

"Y-yeah! Go Kacchan!" Little Midoriya exclaimed as he let out his fist to the air with the ash blonde.

Bakugo looked at him. "What about you, Deku? When will your quirk come?"

Midoriya looked at him in surprised. "Eh? Um... It'll come eventually."

"Yeah sure. Hey Hacchan, I bet you got your quirk too!"

Hana looked at Midoriya in concern before turning towards the boy, nodding. She let out her hands and bent down, freezing the ground around them. The boys gasped as they all slipped.

"O-oops! My bad! I wanted to show you my ice quirk by freezing something. I-I'm sorry!" She quickly bow to them.

"Next time, be careful!" The ash blonde warned as he struggled to stand up. Hana flinched and nodded, backing away slowly.

"K-Kacchan, she just got her quirk and she barely control it. Y-you don't have to blame her." Midoriya said as he came closer to Bakugou.

The boy suddenly felt tick off. "Don't tell me what to do, Deku!" His hands suddenly let out loud explosive sounds.

Hana gasped when she realized he wanted to use his quirk against the frighten boy. Bakugo grabbed his face and blow him up, but nothing happen. Katsuki blinked. "What the..." He retrieve back his hand and examine it, confused.

"Um, what's with Hana's hair?"

One of the boys said as he pointed at the said girl's direction. All of the boys including looked over at Hana, who's hair was floating in the air and her yellow eyes was glowing slightly.

"Katsuki, you can't used your quirk against your friends. What if you hurt them!?" She yelled as she deactivated her new fondly quirk.

Bakugo's eyes widened as well as the others. "Tch, never used your quirk against someone who's not armed. You got that!?" Hana exclaimed as the others nodded. Hana sighed and walked off, planning to go home.

On her way home, she realized about what happened, looking down on her hands and felt a sudden headache. She quickly ran towards her house to see her father.

"Papa!" She called as she entered the living room, but no one was there.

"I'm up here!" Aizawa's voice said with a faint tone since he's far from Hana. She quickly got upstairs and went to her father's room. She saw him sitting on his bed in his hero clothes. His sleeping bag was laying on the floor as his hair was all over the place.

"Papa, how do you activate your quirk?" Hana asked as she sat beside him.

"Well, I activate them like how you feel you wanted to freeze that cup. Why?" Aizawa simply replied as he turned his body towards her.

"Well, in the playground, one of my friends have his quirk, and attempted to used it against my other friend. I wanted to stopped him, when suddenly he can't used his quirk anymore. Then I realize, my hair was floating." She explained as she did some signs like how her hair was floating.

Aizawa's eyes widened. "Can you show me?"

Hana looked at him and nodded. She closed her eyes and suddenly her hair was floating. When she open her eyes, her father saw that it was glowing.

Just like his with his erasing quirk.

The little girl deactivated her quirk and looked back at her father. "Do you know what this mean?"

Aizawa smiled and patted her head. "Not only you got your mom's quirk, but my quirk as well."

Hana couldn't believe it. She got both of her parent's quirk. "I... Have both Erasing and Ice quirk?!"

Aizawa nodded as he watch his daughter all happy. Hana jumped from the bed and jumped up and down out of excitement. Aizawa smiled and looked out at his window.

'Hachi, our daughter will become the hero you wanted her to be. Please watch over her.'

The beginning of Season 1


Edit : 3rd August 2021
Re-edit : 8th October 2021

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