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"U.A sports festival, first-year stage! Not listening?! Who could've predicted the development at the beginning or this conclusion?! Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man..."

The computer monitor was luminating the whole room, a man with torn dark clothes with a hand on top of his face was sitting in front of the computer. He was watching the sports festival that was live from their official page for other people to see indoor.

His eyes was set on the first student that has clear the first event part. He was flabbergasted how the green-haired boy went to the first place without using a quirk. He found it interesting even as a smirk planted on his face.

In another area somewhere, his round black glasses glinted by the screen in front of him. He was sitting inside a dark living room, all the windows were covered as trashes was around with only a small couch and a coffee table as the only furniture. The man was looking at the laptop showing the UA sports festival. His eyes focus on a certain brunette with the familiar yellow eyes that he weirdly loves to see it.

He showed a big smile as his teeth showed from the smile. He adjust back his glasses from sliding on his nose before rewind the footage of the festival. "You ain't kiddin', huh, Hachi?"

His red eyes stares menacingly on the screen as it glows from him activating his quirk. He licks his lips with his tongue, feeling it going dry. He replays the video again to see how Hana used her quirk to go by the robots. "Hmm...looks like her quirk hasn't developed much like yours, Hachi. I wonder how could I trigger her~"

A low snicker came from his mouth as he fiddle onto a sharp looking knife in his hand.


Hana collapse onto the ground, feeling exhausted from the running and the used of quirk. All she could hear was the loud screams of cheering from the crowd. She looked around her, seeing how lively the crowd was. She felt a nudge from her side as she look over to see her board still floating beside her.

Her eyes went into animated white, feeling confused why her board was moving when she thought she had deactivated her quirk. The board slowly went behind her and went to her back knees. The girl fell from behind as she sat on it.

After Hana sat on the board, it stop it's weird behavior. Still confused, she felt comfortable for her legs since she had used up all her stamina on it to run to the finish line.

"And now, they're finishing one after another! We'll make a list of the results later, but for now, good work!"

Hana watch the other students collapse after reaching the end. Most of them she notice was from her class and from class 1-B. There are a few students from class 1-C had reach as well. As she rest on her board, she saw Mina limping towards her. The girl was patting from the amount of running as she rest her hands on top of her knees.

"Good work on finishing the course, Mina-chan!" Hana smiled down to the girl in front of her as she stretch out her arms before huffing out.

"You too, Hana-chan. You were so cool out there!" Mina finally got her breath in as she remember how the girl did out there. Her eyes landed on the board she was sitting on. "By the way, your board here is a very good tactic. I didn't know you could that."

Hana smiled towards the girl. "To be honest, I notice how I can do more with my quirk after the USJ incident. When I first try to create that board, I got frostbites on my feet."

"That's so cool!"

The girl smiled again towards Mina before they were joined in by Momo and Jirou, both were clearly exhausted.

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