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It was midnight in a busy city, the stars shine above the city with the moon shining down with its brilliant white light. On top of a water tower, sat a person with red scarf wrapped around his neck. A sword was wrapped behind him loosely. 

The person looked down at the city. Mostly the city was filled with purple light shining from building to building. The wind picked up around him, his bright red scarf blew with the wind. He licked his lips with his creepy tongue, giving out a disturbing aura. His eyes was ruby red, glaring as it turned towards something...


Hana shot up from her bed, gasping out as she tried to forget the scene from her nightmare. She clutched onto her chest area, feeling like her breathing has shortened. She stood up from her bed, walking to her door towards downstairs of her house. 

Her small panic attack started to increase when she saw the lights at the kitchen area was left lighten up. She remembered she turned it off when she got home from the hospital. She wasn't allowed to meet her father at the hospital since visiting hours was over. So she was suppose to be alone. She grabbed her father's scarf where she left at the table near the stairs below, wrapping it around her neck while walking slowly to the kitchen. She heard metals crashing a lot with each other as well as a glass shattered to the ground. 

The girl jumped to the sound, squealing a bit. Her breathing wasn't stable as sweats dripping from her head. She peek out behind the wall connected to the kitchen, only to see a familiar black haired man with bandages on both of his arms hanging from his shoulders. His face was covered with more bandage. 

Hana might mistaken him as a stranger barging in her house, but with the familiar hairstyle and the dirty black clothing in view, she gasped, coming out of her hiding place.

"Dad? You're..."

"You're awake? Did I make too many noise?" Aizawa lazily said, lowly cursing himself for waking up his daughter. He felt her hug him, wrapping around his waist, avoiding his injured hands. Aizawa smiled under the bandage. "I would've hug you back if it weren't for these stupid bandages."

She didn't reply, which worried the man. "Are you okay?"

"...What do you think? Hearing out my own dad in a critical condition even though you're stable..." The girl murmured as her face was buried on his chest. 

Aizawa observed her out. He saw bandages on both of her arms as well along on her neck. He also felt her trembling, realizing she was wearing one of her thick sweater. His scarf was wrapped around her neck, cleaned from the bloodied form it once was.

"...I'm just glad you're okay."

He then realize what her action meant. Afraid of losing another parent seem to troubled her. "I'm sorry you have to experience that..."

Hana tighten her hands around him, feeling a tear falling from her eye. She took a deep breath before releasing him, wiping away the tear and smiling brightly to him. "Don't worry about it. I'm a hero in training, which means I would experience that either way. Now, were you going to make a coffee? Let me clean this up and help you up." 

The girl dragged her father to the living room to make him sit on one of the couches. Aizawa sighed at his daughter's hospitality, but he won't fight it. Hana cleaned up the broken glasses before grabbing a new glass for the coffee. 

"Who sent you back home?" The brunette asked, walking over to him while stirring the coffee. She placed it in front him on the table. 

"Yamada did. That loud bastard won't even shut up this late at night."

"Present Mic did, huh?" The girl remove a bit of bandage on his face for him to drink, helping him out. "Do you want a straw for that?"

"Very funny." Hana smirked before holding the cup on front of him. Aizawa eyed the scarf around her neck, sipping the coffee. "Did your scarf got completely decayed?"

Hana sat back down, nodding before removing the scarf to wrapped it around his own neck. "It did. I washed yours earlier. When was the last time you wash this? It stinks as hell."

"shut up." The man chuckled to her statement, grateful for her to take care of his scarf. "I'll get a replacement for you, if you want it."

"I've been attach to it for years, old man. I need it."

Having this kind of conversation had made Hana feel in ease from her nightmare. She had started to forget about it little by little. 

But those brilliant red eyes was stuck on her head. 

The beginning of Season 2


Edited : 24th July 2022

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