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Class 1-A was inform that their evening class will be at a facility called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ. It's a place where the young heroes-in-training will be trained with pro heroes in an example places where destructions could be made.

"Please line up according to your seat number!" The newest class president ordered the class out.

"Hmm~ fluffy..." Mina was busy burying her face on Hana's hoodie, hugging her.

"Ashido-san! Aizawa-san! Get in the vehicle!"

"I'm getting yelled at?!" The brunette exclaimed as the pinkette let out a laugh before dragging the poor girl inside the bus.

She sat next to Mina as she continued to snuggle her hoodie. The brunette didn't mind as she leaned in, feeling sleepy.

As the students sat on their seats in the bus, which resulting Iida sulking that his arrangement didn't work, the bus started to move. Hana yawned so loudly as she used Mina's shoulder as a pillow to sleep.

The pinkette started to scream inside her head when she found how the girl was so adorable when she's out cold. She let out her phone before taking a picture of herself with Hana on her shoulder.

Along the ride, the students talked with each other of how their quirks work.

"If we're talking about flashy quirks, it's gotta be Bakugo, Todoroki and even Hana!" Kirishima said at the group.

"Yeah, but I doubt with Bakugo's personality he'll never be popular, kero." Tsuyu said out loud, looking out the window.

"What did you say, frog face?! I can be popular!" Bakugo yelled, explosions in his hands.

"Kacchan, tune it done! You'll wake Hacchan up." Midoriya tried to calm Bakugo down, didn't want to disturb his friend beside the pinkette.

"Shut up, damn nerd! No one wants your opinion!"

"Uraraka-chan, Tsuyu-chan! Look how cute Hana is!" Mina quickly gain the girls' attention as they turned their backs to them.

"She's asleep again?!"

"Kero. Though, you are right. She's adorable."

At a few seats from them in front, Todoroki watched them as he glance at the sleeping figure. He got to admit, she is adorable.

He quickly look back before shutting his eyes, hoping for a nap.

A few moments later the bus had stopped moving as they arrived at the place.  Aizawa got up from his seat and turn towards the class. "Alright, get out of the bus."

"Hana-chan~ Come on, wake up." Mina gently nudge the brunette to wake her. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"Hana-chan!" Uraraka decided to increase her voice but she didn't budge at all. "She's one heavy sleeper."

"Let me." The girls looked up to see Todoroki walking to them. He leaned in on Hana as she patted her head. "Aizawa-san, class is starting. Come on."

Hana groaned as she sat up straight, yawning. It surprised the three girls to see him successfully did it. "...Is it night time?"

"No, we're at USJ."

The brunette nodded as she stood up following the boy.

Mina couldn't help but smiled widely. "You guys, is this some sort of a sign?"

The short brunette girl nodded. "There's no doubt."

Tsuyu looked at them confused, tilting her head. "Kero?"


"This place is huge!"

"There are a lot of different places here!"

The others started to look around to see the sight inside of USJ building. By places, they meant by the zones with different themes.

"Welcome, class 1-A! To the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ!" Someone said as the class walked towards the main stairs.

In front of them was a pro hero.

"Woah, Thirteen?!" Uraraka exclaimed, a big fan of the the pro hero.

"Hello, everyone. Now, I will be explaining to you all about a thing or two, or three, or four..." The class sweat dropped.

"Anyways, being a hero isn't just to stop the villains to do their horrible job, but to also save citizens in trouble. In this facility, we will train you how to save a citizen in a specific place and situations. With that, you could also train how to use your quirk more carefully here! If not used right, it could hurt or kill any citizen or ally nearby, and that's why this facility was built! So you train those quirks of yours to become the future hero!" Thirteen explained to the class.

As she was explaining, Hana yawned again, covering her mouth with her scarf. The girl decided to look around for entertainment, but instead her gaze went towards the fountain at the bottom of the stairs. Hana squint her eyes a bit to see something dark and purple like appearing. She gasped loudly, holding her guard up.

Aizawa caught her sudden panic as he turned to where she was looking.

"W-woah. What is that?" Kirishima asked, heard Hana's distress gasp. Soon the whole class followed.

Aizawa quickly turned towards the students. "Everyone get behind me and Thirteen!" He yelled as they all flinched. Hana stayed at her place to see someone coming out of the unknown purple warp.

One of them had lots of hand figures all around his body, his hair was in pale blue as red piercing eyes glared towards the girl.

Hana gripped her scarf, glaring back.

"Is this... Part of the training?" One of her classmates asked, shaking at the amount of people starting to come out of the warp.

"No. Their are clearly..." Hana trailed off, not putting her gaze away from the man.



Edited : 22nd February 2022

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