24 • coffea arabica

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"[F/N] this is Hakkai, Angry, Smiley, Inupi, Senju, Peh and Pah, and those are-"

"Oh I already know them. The MizoMid." You wink at the boys, smiling as you do.

Takemichi clears his throat before continuing "You already know Mitsuya and Chifuyu and well, some of us aren't here. Everyone this is [L/N] [F/N]. She has personal business with the Haitani's and will be joining us." Everyone bows their head, you included before gathering together. Everyone swarms around you, asking questions left and right.

"What's your deal with the Haitani's."

You believe it to be Pah that asked but the memory of the introduction is too fresh for your brain to have processed it.

"Rindou's my ex and he left suddenly. There are still things I have to tell him"

The words are sour on your tongue and come out burning like acid. Never have you thought of calling Rindou your ex but it sounds like the most appropriate word considering the circumstances. Everyone either gasps or goes extremely quiet but thankfully you don't have to wallow in awkward silence for too long.

"It's nice not to be the only girl in the gang. Can you fight?"

Another follows up with a similar question.

"Are you strong?"

Grumbling under your breath your brows furrow. "I'm not strong and I'm not really a fighter. But trust me when I say I won't easily get hit." They all hum before you see a vision of a surprise attack from behind you. You successfully duck out of the way quick enough for the fist of Smiley to connect with Peh's face instead.

"Ey! You wanna start shit!" He grabs onto the collar of the smaller boy who simply smiles up at him sheepishly "Just wanted to test it out. And look at that!" He gestures to you cowering on the floor, hands over your head while blankly staring at the floor "It's like she knew it was coming!" Peh let's go of Smiley, giving him a warning not to pull that shit again.

"I'm the only sane person here."

You get off the floor when everyone settles down. "Say [F/N]-san, why aren't you wearing our uniform?" You guess it was Hakkai asking so you turn to his direction "Mitsuya was so kind to alternate Rindou's old coat. It looks a little different but I wanted to wear it so bad." You give him a little twirl, showing off your new uniform that once belongs to Rindou.

"Will you be able to keep up during the fight?" Mitsuya and Chifuyu walked over together with Takemichi "Oh yea totally. I trained with the Haitani's back then, I just don't like hitting people, I'm not a fan of violence." The group laughs and you look around confused. "What? What did I say?" Chifuyu answer for them "It's just ironic that you out of all people would be friends with the Haitani's, not to mention in a relationship with one." Everyone agrees to his words "They did a really bad number on us during the dispute with Tenjiku." Mitsuya starts to explain how he and Smiley got knocked out with a brick, needing to be hospitalized because of it.

Hakkai and Angry talk about Rindou breaking their bones and snapping their joints while Ran was whacking them over the head with his baton. Your eyes widen and you immediately bow your head.

"I'm so sorry for their actions. I really did try to stop them but they're so stupid they never listened."

They all laugh it off "It was a fight. Injuries are kind of unavoidable." Even if they take it easier than you there's no way you'll forget that. You add that to your mental list of things to scold them about.

The boys scatter, leaving you and Senju alone. The girl stays by your side, happily smiling at you. She walks towards the stone steps of the shrine, sitting down and urging you to sit next to her. You comply, seeing no reason not to.

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