•part 2•

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Germany POV

My father came back a hour later. I went downstairs to greet him the second I did I saw the blood on his coat.. It thought he changed the coat with my blood on it.. Why would he go out in it... I decide to ask him

Germany: Vater, warum ist noch Blut auf deiner Jacke?

[father why is there still blood on your jacket]

Germany's father: Nichts Interessantes für deinen Sohn

[Nothing interesting for you son]

Germany: ah ok

After he don't tell me what happened I new something was up he would always usually tell me why or what happened when he went somewhere but this time he stayed quiet and tried to avoid the topic. We ate supper together I enjoyed the cereal they gave lucky father ate in the dining room too usually he eats in his office because of how busy he always is so when he sits down at the dining room table it's like I miracle happened. I could see my father still worried about my glasses. He never really liked when people wear them because my father says that when someone wears glasses it means they are unhealthy and that stuff and that they are treated poorly but after I got glasses he only says the positive things about them so I don't feel sad.

But I'm still wondering why father came back with that blood on his jacket and shoes blood can it be.. Did he kill someone...

After I finished I felt sleepy enough to fall asleep quickly in a couple of seconds so I told my father and left to my room. On the way I went to the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth. I then noticed how similar they are to my fathers. They look exactly the same but mine a little bit smaller since they are still growing. After I was ready I went into my room and fell asleep in a couple of seconds.

Poland POV

The man kept on comming back. The worst part was when he had a bad day the more damage he done to me and my father we both were scared of how he could easily kill me with one wrong stab. My father seemed to try and motivate the other man to stop doing stuff to me but they never did he usually came in 3 times a week or if he was mad then 4 times a week. So my wounds never healed. Or even if they did the next day he would come and re make them. I still didn't understand why the man was doing that to me...

My father seemed to care less day by day and not mind the fact that I was loosing a lot of blood. I don't wanna die so I had to run away. But I don't know where to and I needed to place to stay so that I wouldn't die it right in the middle of winter which means it's my birthday soon but I'm not sure if my father will remember he's seen trying to get as much drunk as he can so he dosnt have to look at me suffer. Sometimes he even passed away so when the man came no one opened the door one he had to kick down the door and he grabbed me by my hair which hurt as hell.

*a couple of years later *

I have been lucky enough that my father lets me go to school but I usually have to cover up my scars so no country would worry about it. It was hard finding white and red paint in the middle of winter but we were lucky enough to have some already. Today was going to be my first day of school I always wanted to hang out with different people than just my sibling and my father. Finally I will be able to meet someone my age and not some one younger or older.

I put on the uniform with was pretty more of a suite. I don't really mind the clothes I just wanted to see the kids and see if I even had any chances of anyone even talking to me. I walked into the classroom everyone was talking with each other when a kid appeared behind me trying to scare me.

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