• part 6•

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Poland POV

I called the police shortly after and they came befour my siblings came back from the daycare they said they will have to guess us up for adoption since our father was already dead on the spot....

I was scared what if the person that will adopt us will be just like our father after he drunk. I was worried for me and my siblings but I decided to stay strong and give them courage that many some day we will find a new family that won't be abusive.

We spent a couple of good months in the adoption center what am I talking about we spent 1-2 heard there when one day we hear our names on the speaker to come to the head office where children usually get adopted

Was this it were we finally going to go home and find out normal home family!?? I packed my siblings stuff and we left when we entered the room we saw a wierd country that I have never seen before. He had a yellow and white colours on himself. He came up to us and looked at us greece was embarrassed and hid behind me. The man looked really kind he started to talk to us.

?? : aww hi there my name is Vatican City and u will be adopting you so I'll be your new father

Poland : n-nice to meet you sir

Indonesia: hiii

Greeece: G-g-goodmorning...

Vatican city: aww your all so cute come with me were going to your new house we will get ice cream on the way if you want

Indonesia :OMG really thank you so much sirr

Poland : you really don't have to its already a pleasure that you adopted us

Vatican City: it's fine let's go now into the car my children!!

Indonesia : yes sirrr!!!

Poland : let's go greece

Greece: yay

We got into the car and I took mylast look at theorphanage. GOODBYE BITCH CYA NEVER AGAIN!!!

I am so happy that me and my siblings will be finally free from all these nightmares having to comfort them every single night is finally over. I understand why they are sad but sometimes it too much to handle by yourself. Know that we have Vatican City Indonesia and greece will have another person they can trust.

When we make it to the shop Vatican asked us If we wanted to stay in the car or go I said I don't mind. I actually wanted to stay but Indonesia and greece wanted to go so we went with Vatican City to the shop. When I entered the shop the first thing that caught my eye was a cow plushies one of the newest ones. I looked at it for at least 19 min until Vatican City woke me up and toled me that he will get it for me because of how much he saw I wanted to get it.

I was happy im getting another plushies but I don't wanna be the one that keeps on being stuff. When we entered the plushies isle Vatican got me 5 new plushies. I though is as going to be in heaven. Then we went to the other toy isles and Vatican City got greece some vet toys and Barbie dolls he also got her some L.O.L dolls or something like then. Then Indonesia wanted to get some cool clothes and hats that he liked. So Vatican City got all of us some clothes but the person that got the most clothes was greece and Indonesia both of them got at least 20 pieces of clothing. Vatican City didn't seem to mind but for us it was actually a lot usually we would bearly be able to even go to the store without passing out on the way.

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