•part 9•

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Poland POV

I finally made it out I'm running through the woods. I can't call anybody because my phone was already dead I mean I spent 2-3 years in there. I am now running through the woods hoping they don't find me.

I think I'm starting to see the street I should make it there on time and then I can go and try to make contact with someone from my family. I knew that it was a matter of time before they will be after me. I ran into a shop and asked if I can call from their phone.. It might of been awkward but they gave the phone to me and thanks to my luck I remembered Vatican city's number. I called and called when I heard his voice answering.

Vatican City: hello?

Poland : hi father it's me polska I'm not sure where I am though

Then a woman told me the address we were at so that helped a lot and I thanked her.

Vatican City: ok I'll come to collect you but please try to stay safe and away from all that trouble.

Poland : I will father

I ended the call and gave the phone back to the lady she was happy that she could help and let me hide next to the counter incase USSR and theird Reich came by and tried to find me j saw them pass a couple of times but then going back into the woods.

When I noticed Vatican City comming inside I got out from the hiding spot and thanked the woman a lot. I went to Vatican City and hugged him he looked at me bus mostly worried about my wings and all the scars I had on myself.

Vatican City: oh my god what happened polska show me your wings??!

Poland: i-i got them... Ripped.. Of...

Vatican City : BY WHO!??

Poland : I heard their names were theird Reich and USSR...

Vatican city: so that's who took you don't worry now your face I'll make sure that never happens again.

He hugged him and I hugged him back it was such a grate feeling hugging someone and not getting staged in the back with a knife.

I was so happy to finally be gone from that basement and torture. We got into the car and drove home Vatican City let the police know what happened. I was worried is Greece and Indonesia will be happy or sad go see me...

When I stepped into the house the first person to hug me was Indonesia. I was surprised by the fact that she didn't scream at me.


Poland : it's fine I'm back now you said what you had to say and you did it it's fine now.

Then I saw Greece she was much older just like Indonesia. She also joined in both of them were happy to see me I then remembered what I saw be four I left the house...

I was finally free I got out of the basement and the locks. I stepped out of to the hallway of the house. I then started to make my way out when I noticed someone familiar... Is that... No it  couldn't be......


I then snapped back to reality and noticed what I was doing. I was still hugging them.

Poland :ok ok now chill your going to snap me in half with all the hugs hahah...

Indonesia: also wegry came to check on you when you were lost he was worried a lot too if you want you can let him know when you phone charges to an enough percentage.

Poland : of course I will he is my best friend I will always trust him and he trustes me.

Vatican City: ok I'll make dinner you can go spend some time with your siblings while I cook pierogi

Poland : ok thank youuuu

I dragged Indonesia and Greece into my room and asks what they wanted to do they at first wanted to know what happened but I didn't want to talk about it so I just told them many later. We started playing some chess and then Vatican called us all down to eat I have to say it was very good not only because I didn't eat for a good couple of days. Whenever theird Reich or USSR gave me food it was horrible but to survive I had to eat to my luck it was all over now. Even though the scars where not I didn't have to starve to death any more.

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