•part 17•

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Poland POV

I slowly started to wake up and I felt that feeling again I was hoping it was one of my plushies or pillows when I suddenly remembered who it was last time when I felt this feeling I opened my eye sans looked up it was Germany he was looking down at me when he noticed I was looking at him he looked away blushing.. Does he like me??!!

Anyways the first thing that came to my mind was why the fuck was he in the bed with me I didn't remember anything that happened last night so I decided to ask niemcy.

Polska : niemcy why the hell are you in the bed with me!??

Germany: you don't remember well you had very bad PTSD last night so I cane to comfort you and when I tried to leave you told me to stay.

Polska : wow... Well... Ermm. I'm sorry I guess....

Germany: there's nothing to be sorry about don't worry polen.

He got up and left the room I was in fuck that had to be embarrassing when I told him to stay last night why would I say that many I didn't know it was him. But for some reason whenever he sleeps with me it's so comfortable and warm I never want to leave that feeling...

Germany POV

I got our of polens room so many he does like me after all I can't be too sure though his leg is getting better too.

I hope that he dosnt leave though I wish he can just stay with me forever and many even feel the same way that I love him...

I new I have to get up because polen was now looking at me with the face so are you going to get up. So I got up and told him I'll take a quick shower.

No ones POV

Poland when to downstairs after getting changed into a shirt that was a little to big on him he made some wholes for his wings and started to walk downstairs. The went into the kitchen and looked at the food. Hmmm.. Poland thought for a moment and then decided to make pancakes for him and the German. The pole wasn't too good at cooking but when it came to sweets he was even better at them than food to be honest the German was better at cooking food but worst at baking.

The polish man started to bake some sweets so they might eat some later. If the polen wanted he can make some quick cereal after he finishes baking the sweets. The second he finished baking he wants bothered to wash his hands that were dirty after all the flour. Then a couple of seconds later the German came out of the shower looking at the polish man sitting with his dirty hands. He German sat down next to him and started to talk to the pole.

Germany: hi polen what where you doing? You or hands are kinds dirty and also what is this smell it's like baking.

Poland : oh hi niemcy I was just baking some stuff and it's just baking I'm the oven now.

Germany: oh that's nice

Poland : yep it should be finished in a couple of minutes. It's already been a while since it's been bakeing in there.

The pole when to get the sweets they made out of the oven. They then smelt the beautiful steel of fresh baked cookies. The pole put them out on the plates and gave some for the German to eat. Hope that he will like them.

Germany: thanks polen

Poland : no problem

They started to eat the cooking and they were very good they were so sweet and delicious.


-Authors note -

Hi sorry that this chapter was short only 638 words I'll try and get more in the other chapters ✨✨

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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