•part 8•

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Poland POV

I could feel light headed when I woke up. I looked around my hands and legs were chained... Where was I then last thing I Rember was someone puting a cloth over my mouth. And now I woke up in this oddly looking basement I decided to call for help manby soemone would come and help me.


I then heard the door begining to open. Then I saw the man again from earlier with his so called friend. They came and looked at me then his friend started to talk to him.

?? : AND??!! WERE ARE THEY!??

Third Reich : it had to be under his cloths think about it stupid

?? : ok then show me...

I started to worry... What did they want from me.. I could hear them saying something about clothes.. Why did then need me to to see them of the I Rembered.... Wait I have wings! It's that what it is about they want me for my wings!!

I don't want to take my clothes off and I even tried to hide myself but I couldn't do anything if my legs and hands were chaned I was only 9-10 yrs old how can I do something if I'm so young!??

Then the man pulled out a knife and started to tear my clothes appart to get to my wings I tried not to get cut by the blades. He then turned to my wings both of them looked at them like treasure.

?? : wow... That really are but wings we could make millions out of people for selling thoes.


Theird Reich:see I told you I never lie friend

??: I guess your right... You take one and I take one just like we said in the deal

Theird Reich: of course what do you take me as a lier??!

???:I would never now I'll come for my wing in a month

Theird Reich: of course and I'll take mine In a second. Let me just set you down so you can watch him suffer !!

??? : hahahaha...

The man have his friend a chair and he sat down he looks as if he was just about to watch a whole movie I didn't want them to do anything with my wings then I felt theird Reich pulling on it.


but be continued both of the loved looking at me suffer the pain that I was feeling was someone ripping you hand out. I couldn't hold it in I started to cry and weep in pain they looked at me and took pleasure from that...

The after he pulled the ring out he looked like he had just dogged for gold and found a while bunch of them. He them looked at me and decided to take a first aid kit so I don't die yet...

They only kept me alive because they needed the other win in a month with meant that when they would grow back they woudnt be the same size... I would look like a freak...

After that they both left leaving me with my one wings and my blood on the floor. My ripped out wing was bandaged so that I don't bleed to death since they need the other wing too...

Each day day by day theird Reich came and cut me and abused me I wished that all this was over but I new they would come back in a month for my other wing and it would start to hurt as hell again...

I started to think of a way out if I could some how get out of here...

Then I started to think.. Is Indonesia happy now that ik not home I mean.. They can always think Im at a friends house but I think he's happy that ik gone anyways....

Then I got out on mf my thoughts someone came into the basement it was theird Reich he told me to get ready for my torturing tomorrow.

I was already starting to worry I could see the grin on his face but it wasn't a happy one it was a cold one he was laughing that he could finally beat me up and even kill me after he got the wing out of me tomorow I was already starving to death...

I didn't eat for a long time I hope I don't starve myself to death my hands are also hurting as hell from all these chains that are lifting me up the only thing that I don't have chained up is my wing that is soon going to get cut off I wish I could keep it but there is nothing I can do.

*the next day*

I woke up to someone slapping my face it was theird Reich be was with USSR his so called friend they wanted to do something to me not only cut off my wing. They took the chains off me and led me to a room. They then tied me up to a chair as if I was going to run away. I mean I would try I'd they don't tie me up. Then they turned off the lights that the only thing that was left on was a lamp above the polish boy. Then one of them took a market and held my face tightly and started to draw lines on my face across my body. Then they started to took in German I don't understand it at all I wish I could understand at least some of it. But at the end they shook their hands I knew what was going to happen now they were going to cut my wing off...

*after the cutting of the wing *

My wing started to bleed I forgot the pain that I felt before for some reason I felt like this one was worst for some reason. Then they got another idea I was still changed up and they went behind me and took our a pocket knife then their Reich started to talk

Theird Reich: this is so that you remember us...

Then I felt sharp pain in the back of my body j started to cry even louder I'm the pain I was feeling. I wished this was all over but still no then when theird Reich finished he gave the pocket knife to his friend and he did the same luckly his name was shorted so he finished it up quicker but the pain was worst he put the knife even deeper into my skin.. I started to cry out of pain what did I do to deserve this...

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