•part 12•

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Hungary POV

It was a really hard day of working again. I went to take a quick shower and sure enough it was thunder and heavy rain. I rested in my bed and before i knew it I fell asleep.

I woke up at 3 AM to my phone calling... Who the hell would call at this time.. I look at the phone polska. He doesn't usually call me it had to be something serious but I wasn't bothered to wake myself up so I just picked up the phone talking into the phone.

Wegry: what the hell you want it's fucking 3 in the damn morning!

Poland: i- never mind.. Good night sorry for waking you up bye...

He ended the call....

I new something was up otherwise he would never call it was still thunder and lightning and those stuff but I don't care all I cared about was to get to polska to make sure it's fine..

I know he wouldn't call for no reason. I hope he isn't trying to kill himself again I have to get there incase he is. I don't want him to get hurt.

I look at my suit and think to myself yeah as if I'm definitely going to go to that meeting tomorrow I can't care less my friend needs me not a stupid meeting in the EU where they turn everyone against me and polska.

I don't even bother to change my clothes I just wanted to make sure polska is safe. But when I got out of my apartment I had to make sure I don't wake up my neighbours or they will get mad at me for waking them at 3-4 in the morning.

I started walking to polska's house I decided to walk there and not drove because there I bearly anywhere to park nex to his house. So I decided to run / speed walk to polska's house.

Once I got there I knocked on the door and decided to see if the polish man would answer me.

Germany POV

I was at my house and I looked at the time 3:40 ugh... Again I woke up earlier than the meeting should of started. I know there is no point I'm trying to go to sleep because it's impossible for me to fall asleep after I wake up. I decided to go get ready for my job already.

I went to the kitchen when j was finished and got some food out I decided to make toast nothing new for the morning. I put Nutella over it and started to eat it while I made my coffee. I then looked outside it looked like it has been raining a hour ago or so. Then when my coffee was finished I took it and started to drink it down. For some reason my mind wanted me to go outside even though I have 3-4 hours left till the meeting starts.

I always do what my mind tells me to so I decided to do it and I got my coat turned off all the lights and started to walk off into the distance after I shout my door and lock them. I fell the find against my face and glasses. I started to make my way when I started to feel the wind pulling me into a different direction I knew I still have a long time left so I let the wind lead me I felt like a feather being dragged by the wind to wherever the wind wants me to go.

When suddenly I was not far away from a park I could see that the wind was also leading me there so I decided to start walking. I closed my eyes and thought that many is hould sit down after all that walking but then I noticed someone in the distance but I couldn't make up who that was they then sat down on the bench so I went up to them. The second I saw what flag that was I new I should turn back and there is no point in trying. It was Hungary...

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