•part 16•

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Polska POV

So I guess I'm stuck in a house with a German for 5 day I hope nothing can go wrong now...


I decided to get up as I looked at the time 9:20 yep I can get some clothes on now. This wasn't my house so that mean there weren't any fitting clothes for me. So I went into the wardrobe and found a shirt it was kinda big but I couldn't find a smaller one I put ok some shorts and the shirt. It looked like a goddamn dress but I hope that niemcy won't realise.

I went downstairs and saw him with some food. I sat down as he gave me a plate of pierogi on them I then realised that he made them the second he gave them to me he said.

Niemcy: here polen hope you like it I don't usually cook polish foods and stuff but I hope it's good.

Polska: thanks niemcy it's fine.

I say down and started to eat the food it was pretty good but I wasn't going to tell him. Im not going to make him too sure of himself. But I have to admit the food was good as hell.

Once I finished the food I got up to put it pack in the sink I didn't sleep a lot last night even if only fainted I still had a nightmare the second I fainted it all started again and when I woke up I was in his house for a second I thought theird Reich captured me again but lucky it was only niemcy. I went to sid down on the sofa and looked at the tv. I didn't understand anything because it was in German. But then niemcy came I think he just came back from a shower or something because I could smell some very nice perfume.he sat down shoulder to shoulder with my shoulder touching his I could feel my face slightly warm up but I didn't know why. I wonder since when he perfumes himself but I didn't think I about that. I could feel my eyes getting heavier every moment the sence of the perfume was so nice I felt like I was going to fall asleep and sure after a couple of seconds I did..

Germany POV

I made polen some of his traditional food I think he liked it because he ate all of it I then took a quick shower before he started to eat when I got out he also finished eating. He put the dish and cleaner dish after he finished eating from it. He then sat down on the sofa I took it as a opportunity so many I can get closer to him. I sat down beside him with our shoulder's touching I could see that polen's face was a little bit red but I wasn't sure if it was a blush or no.

After a couple of seconds I felt something on my shoulder and it wasn't polen's shoulder it was his head he fell asleep. He looked so cute and tiered. That's when I saw that he as kinda cold I took him on my lap and placed a blanket over us. The second I did he snuggle into my shoulder and shirt. He looked so cute I bet that he thinks he is in bed now. I felt like falling asleep too so I did. He was so warm and comfortable it was like a dream come true.

* a couple of hours later *

I woke up and it was pretty dark I looked at the clock it read 22:30.i decided to wake up polen because we didn't eat anything and I don't want him waking up in the middle of the night for food. So I slightly started to wake him up by talking to him.

Poland POV

When I fell asleep I suddenly felt so comfortable as if someone was there that loved me and cared for me. I decided to hang on tight to what I think as either my plushy or pillow was making me feel this was it was so warm and comfortable.

When I herd I think niemcy whispering something to me but into my ear why should he not just shout my name from down stairs. That's when I remembered that I never went to bed and that a second ago I was in the living room. I slightly opened my eyes and saw me face to face with niemcy the first thing I did was got of his lap when I realised where I was. I could feel myself slightly Hungry I look outside and then at the time damn I slept for so long. Then niemcy asked me.

Niemcy: do you what anything to eat?

Polska: nah I'm fine honestly

I went to the kitchen to grab the cereal I usually eat before I go to sleep. I tried to reach it on my tipi toes but it didn't work I swear to God science when the fuck did he put the cereal so high up. I don't want to ask him for help because that will just show him I'm weak and I can't do anything many myself. Then I felt something behind me I didn't turn around because I was still trying to get the cereal when niemcy cane behind me and put his hands in my hip and then grabbed the cereal his area brushes against my ass. What the fuck does he think he is doing. The second he gave me the serial I got out of his grip and went to grab the milk I then poured it onto the cereal and put a spoon in it I decided to eat in my room I didn't feel like eating with niemcy after what the fuck just happened.

I started to go upstairs and to my luck he didn't follow me I then started to eat when I noticed it started to rain I was on my phone when I was eating so I decided to check the weather for now. Shit it's so posed to be thunder I hope that it doesn't start too soon or I won't get any sleep. I finished up my cereal a little bit quicker that I usually did. I then went to put it in the dishwasher and turned it on. I then noticed niemcy taking a shower before he will go to bed I decided to take one too upstairs so I did I usually take warm ones when it rains so that I won't be cold anymore.

Germany POV

I can't believe what just happened I saw polen blush a couple of times when I was beside him or when he woke up and saw me. Many there is a chance he likes me or many not but I hope he does.

I decided to take a quick shower before I go to bed I don't like to be sweaty and sticky when I go to bed so I always take a shower no matter if I stayed all day home I still take one at the very end of the day.

I then noticed that polen needs help with a couple of stuff like trying to get stuff from higher surfaces well that's not a problem for me.

I was about to leave the bathroom when I nearly tripped over and then I remember i left my glasses in the living room and that I have to go get them . I out on my sleeping clothes some boxers and a t-shirt a black one and then I go grab my glasses when I noticed that polen was trying them on I wish I could see him but sadly without glasses I cant see shit. So I took my phone out and out it on mute and started to make some photos in silence when I was finished I put my phone in my pocket and went to grab my glasses from him. He gave them too me as I put them on I said that it's fine but I can't really see without them. I looked down at him damn he is so cute. I went to my room to finish off storm papers of course they are never finished on time.

*a couple of hours later*

I think polen is already asleep but I'm starting to wonder if there is anyone else in his room because I was finishing off the papers a second ago I'm packing them into my suit case know but for some reason I think I hear crying I think I'll go check it out I don't want anything bad happening to polen. I entered his room and I could see him crying in the corner and then another thunder hit. Shit I think he had PTSD from the war. I found up to him and try to comfort him.

Germany: polen it's me Germany don't worry I'll help you get through this.

I put them on my lap as he hugged onto me tightly as if it depends on his life. I tried calming him down and sure enough it worked and he fell asleep I knew he won't be too happy if he woke up to seeing himself on my lap again so I tried to walk away put he grabbed me by my shirt and said.

Polen: don't go niemcy please stayyy

I decided to stay as he hugged onto me well I guess I'll be able to have another night with my crush I wish it we were something more than friends though ....

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