a message from the author

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Hello! I just want to thank each and every one of the readers of this book. I wrote this letter to address some concerns. Please bear with me.

First, most of you (if not all) are frustrated that Irene and Y/N got back together despite Y/N cheating on and gaslighting Irene. I fully understand your sentiments; if I were a reader of this book, just like all of you, I would've felt exactly the same.

However, I would never change the ending. This book is actually based on a true story. I did some major changes so as not to mirror what exactly happened in the past, but this book is very personal to me because it's based on a real-life story of someone very close to me.

As upsetting as the ending might be to a lot of you, please understand that there are actually couples who get back together and try to make their marriage/relationship work despite problems as big as cheating. Some work out, some don't, but regardless, it happens.

Second, it has come to my attention that I may have used a racial slur in one of the chapters. Thank you for pointing it out to me.

I would never use that word on anyone as I am well aware that some may find it offensive. It was part of the lyrics of a song featured in this book and I simply copied it off a website. I meant to redact it but it must've slipped my mind. Nonetheless, I know that it's still my responsibility as an author to make sure that my book is not offensive in any way. I've made sure to edit it and I promise to be more careful next time.

Lastly, I want to point out that I am not, in any way, trying to romanticize cheating. You don't get a free pass to wreck someone who loves you — no matter what your reasons are.

I thank you for letting me share my personal experience with you through this book.

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