Journey to the Mountain 🗻

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The Journey to the Village

I embarked on my journey into the heart of the dense forest, taking great care to ensure I remained hidden from prying eyes. Each step I took up the steep hillside was filled with caution. My heart pounded in my chest as I dared to steal a glance back, and there, in the fading light, I saw Sasuke, encircled by a group of ninja. A feeling of unease washed over me, and I knew I couldn't afford to become entangled in that kind of trouble. With one last apprehensive look, I turned away and pressed on, leaving the scene behind me.

I need to make it to the mountain no matter what... Sasuke please stay safe.

My journey pressed on, leading me further and further northwest. The vibrant forests of Konoha gradually gave way to vast stretches of sand, and then, as if by magic, the sands transformed into a sea of evergreen trees, stretching out endlessly in every direction. Millions of them stood tall and silent, their sheer number almost overwhelming. As I moved deeper into this forest, my pace naturally slowed, the sheer density of the trees making progress difficult.

At one point, I decided to pause and take in the eerie silence that enveloped me. The air was still, no sound escaped, and the forest seemed to hold its breath in a peculiar hush. I bent down, picked up a small rock from the ground, and hurled it as far as my strength allowed. But when it landed, there was no sound, no echo—just a mute, haunting stillness that hung in the air.

"This is eerie," I whispered to myself, my voice barely above a breath. My eyes darted around, surrounded by an endless sea of evergreen and moss. Panic began to creep in, but I forced myself to snap out of it when a twig snapped to my right. My instincts kicked in, and I swiftly withdrew a kunai, shifting into a defensive stance.

"Come out now!" I called out firmly, the unease in my voice palpable. Under normal circumstances, I couldn't hear my own heartbeat, but in that eerie silence, it roared in my ears at a rapid 100 beats per minute. The anxiety clawed at me, threatening to take hold.Then, another twig snapped, this time on my left, and I heard the disconcerting sound seemingly encircle me, as if some unseen presence toyed with my senses for what felt like an agonizingly long eternity.

Is this a genjustsu? Am I going crazy? Snap out of it! Stop freaking out!!

One more twig cracked at my foot, and when I looked down, I saw a small black cat lazily licking its paw. "Oh, hey there!" I had heart eyes as I crouched down to pet it. ɷ◡ɷ "Come here, little one! I won't hurt you." I put my hand out for it to sniff, and it started to nuzzle up on my hands. (♥ω♥*) "Awww!" I looked around for an owner, but I could not hear or see anyone in sight. "Well, since I can't find anyone, you can come along with me!" I picked up the cat, which quickly perched itself on my shoulder. "I am going to call you, Kisei." He affectionately nuzzled my face, and I couldn't help but let out a delighted giggle. I tenderly petted his ears, savoring the warmth of the moment. "Now, where to go from here..." I looked around quickly. The silence is deafening. "I guess I should get to higher ground to check where I am."

I shifted my gaze upwards, channeling chakra to my feet, and with newfound determination, I started ascending the tree. Upon reaching the top, I surveyed the surroundings, turning in a slow circle. All I could see were an unending expanse of trees, the sky's intermittent clouds, and a thick veil of mist. My heart sank for a moment, but then, as I continued to peer through the haze, I caught a glimpse of something beyond. Hidden behind the clouds and mist, the silhouette of a mountain range with one prominent mountain emerged briefly. 

This is a long shot, but I think this may be where I need to go. I suddenly lost my footing and began to fall with Kisei . I tried to grab the kitten, and suddenly, it stuck to a tree branch. I could see its chakra. While I was amazed at the moment, I realized I needed to brace myself. I tucked my legs and fell onto something soft.

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