Step Three: Balance ☯️

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A week after my birthday had passed, I delved into summoning. I was able to summon all kinds of felines and met the elder tiger named, Mei and her playful cub Nao. In order to fully summon them, I needed to sign my name on the scroll contract with my own blood. This ensured that I sealed the bond that would allow me to summon them.

"Aina-sensei? So, what's the next exciting part of our training?" She looked down with a frown on her face. "Is everything okay?" She shook her head, her head still hanging low.

"I guess I'm okay. But here's the deal: I need you to train with Mei for a year, and that's the second-to-last lesson." My eyes grew wide, and I looked at her with a serious expression.

"Are you... Are you SERIOUS?!" I cried out, my voice filled with disbelief and perhaps a touch of frustration. "I travel all this way, train with you for half a year, and now I've got to leave?" I retaliated, my voice seething with anger and sadness.

"You need this for your training. You will do great, and Mei will teach you so much." She offered a warm smile, and as I glanced at Mei and her cub, I let out a long exhale. With a heavy heart, I started walking away, my fingers slowly slipping from my aunt's grasp.

Once I reached Mei, she already had a question to ask me, "Are you ready to discover new techniques?" The tiger said out loud. I nodded in agreement.

"Teach me..."


I puffed away, and for a brief moment, I closed my eyes. It felt like an eternity within those few seconds. When I finally landed with me flat on my butt. My eyes were shut from the impact but I was brought to my senses by the scent of and earthy aroma. It smelled like fresh rain and trees. I heard waterfalls and streams in every direction and a faint hint of--- vanilla? I opened my eyes and was taken back by the sights. The leaves were tall and there were huge flowers blooming everywhere. The sky was shades of pink, blue and purple, with mountains off in the distance. The warmth of the sun hitting my skin and the feeling of peace sank in. I took a deep breath in and let it out feeling Mei's prescense behind me.

"Beautiful and suitable for your training, don't you think?"  was speechless and couldnt answer verbally so I just nodded. Suddenly there were all kinds of cats circling me and Mei. They began to bow their bodies towards me.

"Why are they bowing?" I asked kind of flustered by the action.

She looked at me, "You look just like your mom. She also trained under me." I was being led by Mei to a small cave entrance, the heads of the felines around still bowing.

"You will sleep here with the pride. You will eat with the pride, and you will learn how to become one of us." I stared at the cold, hard ground. Yeah. I can do this. I thought to myself but was snapped out by her voice again.

"Tomorrow, we begin." Her green eyes squinting at me with anticipation.

Lesson One: Balance

I woke up to the sun directly in my eyes, but there was also something soft and warm around me. I had little cubs sleeping next to me. I made sure not to wake them as I snuck my way out to the forest. I met with Mei at the center, "Lesson one is simple. You need to balance."

"Balance? That's pretty easy." I showed her by putting one leg upholding my stance.

"No. You will be balancing above a waterfall in a rope doing practice poses on the the tightrope." My mouth hung open.

"HUH?! Are you seriously trying to get me killed here?" With a powerful leap, the tiger pulled me onto her back, and the swift movement caused my clothes to tear slightly.

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCWhere stories live. Discover now