Birthday Girl | Filler👸

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Three Months Later

"Pack your bags. We are headed to the closest village!" My aunt yelled opening my window to let the spring light in.

"Why?" I asked, still sleepy and yawning. She came close to my face, smiling.

"It's your birthday!" I was still sleepy, but I perked up and remembered she had told me she would take me somewhere for my birthday for new clothes. "Get dressed! Your breakfast is ready downstairs!"

I stood up, got into the shower, dressed in a ruffled-sleeved shirt, and put my hair up with a braid. I wish Naruto were here for my birthday. I started to head downstairs and sat at the table. My aunt had a massive smile on her face. "Why are you smiling so wide?! Is this place fancy or something?" I laughed.

She shook her head, "You'll see!"

A few hours later...

We had gotten down the mountain, past the trees and the sand, but I didn't really know which way we were headed. I just continued to follow along. "Are we--" She shot a look back at me, and I could practically feel the heat of her glare. Without missing a beat, I quickly took a few steps back, putting some distance between us. 

"We're almost there for the millionth time." I glanced at her, my expression filled with confusion. How on earth did she know that?  

"You probably wonder how I know that" she said and it sent electric shivers up my spine.

"Can you read minds too?" I insinuated thinking if that was even possible. 

 "Ha! No. But there is just a familiar feeling in the ground as it shifts." I felt for the vibrations she was talking about but couldn't fully understand.

"How are you so good at seeing things when you can't even see?" I asked now staring at the back of her head. 

"Uh... Good Question. Put you blindfold back on and practice while we head there!" Her voice quivered at the question. I rolled by eyes and then placed my blindfold around my eyes. A few moments later as I was still trying to feel these shifts she was talking about, I accidentally slammed into her back. " We're here!"

"So, am I gonna stay blindfolded for my birthday, or can I finally take this thing off?" I teased eager to see the village we were in.

"Yeah! Go for it!" I heard the excitement in her voice and as I took my blindfold off, I saw a familiar sign.

"KONOHA!!" I started to run towards it, the gates opening and my aunt following behind me.

"Wait for me!" She yelled up to me wanting to be apart of my excitement.

"I can't wait to see Naruto, and I eat some ramen with him!" I also need to see Sakura; hopefully, they want to hang-- !" I paused mid-sentence as I walked past that familiar bench, memories of that night flooded my mind. What if she remembers too? What if she starts asking questions? 

My aunt came from behind me, "Hikari are you okay? Did something upset you?" I shook off and nervously laughed it off.

"Of course not! It's my birthday, after all! I'm ready to get out there and make my wishes come true today!"

"Okay well, I'll be over there shopping. Expect gifts on your special day!" I turned around and hugged her.

"I'll meet you at the gate an hour before sunset!" I sprinted to Naruto's place and gave his door a loud, impatient knock.

"NA-RU-TOOOO! Naruto! It's me! Hikari!" I could hear footsteps approaching, their rhythm quick and shuffling.

"HIKARIIII!" I heard his voice raised in excitement and anticipation. As he swung the door open, his face initially lit up with joy at the sight of me. However, that joy quickly gave way to a deep pain that washed over his features.

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