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I sprawled on my bed, idly watching the clouds outside my window. My aunt had been acting kinda weird lately, mentioning a trip to the village for some tea and groceries. I couldn't help but get a bit curious, so I sat up, took a deep breath, held it for a second, and then let it out. I'm sure it's nothing.

mini flash back**

Only one person can possess the Suien no Me.

mini flash back end**

I started to think about it while getting up and stretching. Does that meant that... I looked at myself in the mirror taking in my new appearance for the first time my thoughts previously ceasing. I had fell asleep last night so I hadn't seen the changes. My hair was now white like Aina had mentioned and hung just below my hips.

I think I should cut it a little. I took out a kunai and began shaving away some length. I cut to my mid-back letting the hair fall and then picked it up into a half up half down style. I stared at myself and twirled halfway when suddenly I heard a loud explosion coming from the village. I shot my attention to the window seeing a fire start down in the village.

Aina! Without hesitation I ran down the side of the hill as fast as I could without tumbling. When I stepped foot in the village, I heard screaming and saw a few bodies on the floor, eyes open with no pulse. I saw a small group of people running to me and pointing back, "Where is Aina?!" I asked frantically, my heart speeding so fast it felt it could stop at any second. They looked terrified and kept pointing their whimpering and tears in their eyes. "Get to the temple and grab as many people as you can." I ordered them as they took off in the direction of the hill. As I kept rushing to the scene, I saw a glimpse of white thinking it was Aina, when one single senbon came from that direction. I managed to dodge it and it just missed my cheek, a drop of warm blood dripping down. I looked around for the person and saw no one, I did some hand signs and whispered, "Water Style: Water Whip." My arms now engulfed by water, I waited for the next set of attacks. It was quiet, other than the crackling of the fire from nearby houses. Then there was a few more senbon directed my way. I slashed them hard enough to redirect the course from my body. I had finally seen the person who was fighting me, "Kabuto..." My voice soft but having a low gruffness to it. "What are you doing here? Leave the village, right now." I demanded, my voice holding a clear warning.

He chuckled at my proposal lifting his glasses before taking out a kunai and pointing it towards me.

"Why would we leave, especially without you?" Kabuto remarked, his voice carrying a tone of calculated cunning and a touch of slyness." I shot him a furious glare, my eyes locked onto his filled with intensity.

"We?" I questioned. "What do you mean by 'we'?" I demanded, my tone laced with suspicion and concern. "Is Orochimaru here with you?"

I kept my eyes locked onto him as he gestured upwards toward the roof behind me. Just then I heard small chirping coming from above. Aina was standing with her arms behind her back, her blindfold off, her once blue eyes, now white. Then I noticed the person holding her and my breathing hitched. "S-Sasuke! LET HER GO!" Tears welled up in my eyes, on the brink of spilling over. Losing her was my ultimate weakness, and it tore at my heart. His cold eyes gazed down at me without any emotion written on his face. He looks... emotionless... cold... With my back turned, Kabuto took the chance to run directly in my direction. I already had a clone hiding above watching the fight. My clone sprang into action, leaping over him and delivering a powerful kick that sent him crashing onto his back.

Looking up at me from where he was, he spoke, "Your rapid reflexes and agility mirror Sasuke's," Kabuto observed, his tone dripping with calculated analysis. "It's no surprise that Orochimaru has his sights set on you." What both didn't realize was that the person in front of them was just a clone as well, that was until Sasuke caught on. He did what I never expected him to do and pushed her off the roof.

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCWhere stories live. Discover now