A Star is Born ⭐️

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6 Months Later

I was at the cliff's edge near the Dead Forest, overlooking the scenery one last time. I wish I was a cloud. Carefree, soft, in the sky. A small nuzzle on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts.

"It is time." I kept my gaze ahead, tears starting to form. "You will go on to do great things Hikari."

In the last six months, I had matured a lot more. I was taller and more filled out. My hair had grown twice as long, and my attitude had shifted from the immature girl I was to a more mature version of myself. There was grace embellished in the way I walked and talked, but I could still joke around and laugh when necessary.

I stood up and hopped onto Mei's back, "Take me home."

She slammed her paw on the ground, and we were gone instantly. Green grass and higher altitude hit my lungs and face. I was 14, turning 15 this year, and I remembered the mountains were colder than the temperature I had been living in. However, I was still used to it and kept my composure as I saw my aunt approach me.

"Hikari?" She ran and held me in her arms, "You're back! Did you learn a lot?" She let me go, reached out to what she thought was my face, and accidentally grabbed my boobs. "Wow! Your cheeks have gotten bigger! Have you gained some weight?" I was now embarrassed, and Mei was also shocked by the mannerisms. Σ(T□T)

"Aina-sensei? You're uhh.... you're touching my boobs." I said calmly. She stopped for a moment and then squished it two more times. "Well, you either got taller, or your boobs got bigger." She felt upwards until she got to my face and finally found it. "Oh... Those were your boobs..." I sweat dropped. "You've really grown!"

"Aina-sama." I groaned feeling embarrassed. "Let's head to the house to talk about everything!" As we walked into the house, I felt a familiar presence. "Do you feel that?" I asked Aina. She stood still for a moment.

"Feel what? It's just you and me." I looked outside the window to where I felt the familiar chakra, but I could not put my finger on it.

"It probably nothing." I slowly turned back to her and plopped her on the tatami mat. "So, since I finished my training with Mei and learned your techniques, what is the last thing?" Her once happy face turned really serious.

"I am sure Mei has told you about the planet's alignment." I tapped on my chin and remembered what she said 6 months prior.

"Yeah! I remember she had explained why I needed to come back." She nodded.

"Tonight will be when that occurs. We need to go to the temple and perform a ritual. The same one that was performed years ago." That flashback appeared briefly of my body being lifted and my hair turning white when I was younger. "You must meditate and open all your chakra points to receive the Seiun no Me and reject the Sharingan." With a determined expression, I fixed my gaze on the outside world, watching as the sky darkened with each passing minute.

"I'm ready..."

Later That Night

I had gotten into a ceremonial kimono and let my hair flow to the ground. I recalled the familiar chakra near me early and thought, who was that? It felt so... normal. I rushed the thought out of my mind preparing for the ritual. I need to be clear minded when trying to open my chakra points. I walked out the door, and my aunt had her Kekkei Genkkei activated.

"You certainly look beautiful. Ya ready to say goodbye to your black hair?" She touched my black hair and combed through it, fixing some minor flyways. "I am going to miss it." She said sadly. I briefly remembered she told me about my mother's hair. She stared outside, "We need to get going. The alignment will be happening soon." We walked towards the door, and that chakra came back again. I brushed it off and continued out the door, looking around and trying to see if I saw anyone in the dark.

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCWhere stories live. Discover now