Frozen Blood 🩸

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I arrived back at the hideout in a matter of days and sat in the training room meditating. The meditation lasted for three days until I was brought out of my meditation by a small rat coming from the darkness. My eyes laid on the creature, Water... We all have water in us. I closed my eyes, focusing on my chakra and how it flowed through every cell in my body. I felt my fingertips getting ice cold. I locked onto the rat scurrying across the room and did a few hands signs. "Water Style: Frozen Blood." Two frozen senbons darted from my fingers hitting the target. It froze in an instant and I began to count... It can't last forever...

90..91..92..93.. That rat began to move until it was completely free, running off outside of the room. I let out a sigh and then a small smile... "I finally learned something new." I need to keep this a secret just in case anything bad happens. I looked around the training room scanning the area for any chakra. I felt a faint feeling of Kabuto's signature. I walked out keeping my head high and acting as if nothing happened. Kabuto had a few documents in hand when he looked up at me.

"Oh, if it isn't Hikari." I had an apathetic look on my face. "Sasuke has come back from the Southern Hideout... I thought I might let you know." He smirked and walked past me without saying another word.

I sighed, not wanting to talk to the Uchiha after our kiss before I left. He seems to be in turmoil about his feelings. I stopped in my tracks about to head to my room; I don't have to stay cooped up here. I can leave when I want! I turned on my heels and ran for the exit. The evening air was comforting, the breeze hitting my face as I leaped from tree to tree to the nearest village. I looked up at the moon, seeing it was full, and the night sky was lit up. I felt Sasuke's chakra signature around but was unsure if it was coming my way or going somewhere near my direction. I shook my head and sped up, reaching the village in a matter of 5 minutes.

Lanterns were hung up, the smell of food filled the air, and the sound of children was emulating. I let an audible sigh escape my mouth before calmly walking through the streets. I saw a dango shop nearby and ordered myself six pieces. I was now walking and eating as I went from store to store. I popped a stick in my mouth, taking small bites, my eyes staying low and finding a good place to see the village. That was when I saw a little girl crying in the middle of the crowd. I looked around before walking up and bending down to her height.

"Hey! What's wrong? Where are your parents?" I asked as she wiped her eyes to see who was talking to her.

When she locked her eyes on me, she gasped and smiled with tears in her eyes, "You're pretty!"(♥o♥)

I snickered at her compliment and asked her again, "Where are your parents?" She looked around before tearing up again, "I don't know." She looked back down, defeated, and began to sob. I waved my hands and looked at my Dango.

"No! No need to cry; we can find them together. Do you want some Dango? Are you hungry?"    \(º □ º lII)   I nudged the little cloth in her direction before she looked away from me.

"I'm sorry. I don't talk to strangers." I close-eyed smiled, "Well, if we tell each other our names, we won't be strangers." She looked at me hesitantly before stating her name.

"My name is Aiko." She looked at me with her fingers fumbling, waiting for me to say my name.

"My name is Hikari." I said, still smiling at her, "Now that we know each other, would you like some Dango?" She smiled and helped herself to a serving.

"Thank you, Hikari." I took her hand and started walking around, asking her to point out when she saw them. I looked ahead and saw Sasuke for a second, but he was gone the next.

Huh? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? I rubbed my eye with the free hand I had. I felt a tug at my hand, and the little girl was pulled away from my grasp. There was a man now holding her up by her wrists.

"There you are. Where have you been?" She started yelling, "LET ME GO! I DON'T KNOW YOU! HIKARI, HELP!!" I crunched my fists, my knuckles turning white.

"Put her down!" He looked at me and started to laugh.

"What is a pretty lady like you going to do? She's coming with me." I smirked under my bangs before activating my Kekkei Genkei.

"I said... put... her... down."  My voice lowered and gave a menacing glare. I took a few deep breathes feeling my chakra build at my fingertips. I can use what I learned today. It would be good practice. I need to create more for a bigger person. I made a few hand signs behind my back, the icy feeling finally getting unbearable. Water Style: Frozen Blood." I kept my hands low but pointed in in his direction. This time five thin senbon stabbing him.

"What the...What was---" He let go of the girl and stood frozen in shock. I took the girl and began to run. I don't have much time. I ran and began counting, my eyes were scanning places to put her down and hide just in case that guy came back. 50..51..52..53-- I looked back to see him running through the crowd. Damn it! I need to work on that. I ran to my left into an alley as to not disturb the public. There was a small box face away from the entrance, "Aiko, I need you to do me a favor and hide okay? Don't come out till I tell you to." My hair was now glowing white and wavering in the wind. She nodded and ran as I asked her to.

The guy finally caught up and looked at me, "I don't want the girl anymore... I want you." I gritted my teeth.

"Tch. Like I would let you do that." He got into a fighting stance, and right before he charged, Sasuke came from behind and chopped at his neck, knocking him out. I put my hand on my hip, looking at him with questioning eyes. "I had him," I said. "Aiko, you can come out now!" She hesitantly peeked to see Sasuke and I. She seemed scared of him and stayed behind the box. I slowly walked up to her bending down.

"Is he after me too?" She whispered up at me, tugging my kimono.

I knelt to her level again, "No... He's not all that bad." I looked at him and then back down at the girl. "Thank you, Sasuke. I have to help this girl find her parents." Just when I said that we heard a couple yelling out for Aiko. I looked down at her and grinned, "Well, I guess I spoke too soon." I scratched my head, bending down, my hands on my knees. I have something for you before you leave." She looked at me, confused, "But you have to keep it safe, okay?" Sasuke glared at me, making sure I wasn't doing something suspicious. I held out my hand, a little star beginning to form, I encapsulated it with ice, and it started to glow. Her eyes were filled with joy as I handed it to her. I stood aside for her to go run to her parents nudging her to go. She waved at me and then ran off. I felt Sasuke behind me and looked back at him, "Have you come to take me back to the prison walls?" I asked sarcastically.

"No." He answered and stood there; his arms folded.

"Then why are you here?" I asked, smugly nudging his arm. σ( ̄、 ̄〃)

"Hn. To make sure you weren't in danger." I was now looking up at him and smiling from ear to ear. (>ω^)

I poked his chest, trying to agitate him, but his eyes were closed, and his stance was still the same. I got bored and started walking off, wanting to see the village more. "Well, if that's all you're here for, I will be on my way. I wanna see the village some more." ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌     (ง ื▿ ื)ว

I put up a peace sign and turned before my hand was pulled back and turned to face him. "Yes?" He looked at me and let go of my hand.

"Nothing. Don't stay out too late." I chuckled.

"Okay...Dad. I didn't think I was going to be lectured for walking around. I can take care of myself." I waved him off and looked back to see he was already gone. I tried to feel around for his chakra but couldn't feel anything.

I continued to walk and saw a clearing with a lake nearby. I decided to sit near it and stare up at the moon. I wonder if Sasuke saw what I did back there. I shook my head; why does that matter? He's not going to use me. I sat there again. My face was now frowning, Or would he? Would hatred take him over? Would he use anyone to get his revenge? I kept my face low, looking at the grass around me. How far is too far? I looked back up at the moon. No matter my feelings for him... There is a limit... I am sure I will know the limit when the time comes.

I stayed for a while before heading back to the hideout. I felt Sasuke's signature the whole way back, but he did not show himself. I smiled to myself and decided not to stop him or myself. I reached my room, wondering what other powers I possessed.

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