The Hide Out ⛰

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The sting of my hair whipped against my face snapping me out of unconsciousness. My surroundings were a blur of green and brown as I realized I was on Sasuke's back, zipping through the forest at a speed that seemed almost unnatural. Confusion turned into a boiling anger. I started pounding on his back, each hit fueled by a mixture of rage and confusion. "Put me down! Since when do you use genjutsu on me?!?" My voice was drowned out by the rustling leaves and the whistling wind.

Sasuke remained silent, unfazed by my demands. In a desperate move, I managed to wriggle free, only to find myself plummeting towards the earth below. Panic surged, but instinct kicked in - a protective bubble formed around me, cushioning my fall. I released the jutsu once I was safely on the ground, my eyes darted up to catch Sasuke's silhouette facing away from me.

"Why are you acting like this?!" I shouted, my voice laced with a mix of frustration and concern. He offered nothing but a sidelong glance and silence.

"We need to return to the hideout," was all he said. His indifference sparked my anger further; I lunged at him, only for him to move out of the way as my face met the ground with a humiliating thud. Dust and leaves clung to my face as I pushed myself up, my glare fixed on him. "Are you really going to act like nothing happened last night?" My arms folded across my chest, a physical barrier against the chill of his indifference. He looked away; his gaze fixed on the sky before he met my eyes again.

"It's safer at the hideout," he repeated, his tone final.

My attention snapped to the noticeable absence of the scroll. "Where is it?" I demanded. Sasuke remained silent for a moment before revealing the ancient parchment. A surge of questions drowned my relief. "Why do you have it?" The question hung heavy in the air.

"You ask too many questions," Sasuke retorted. "It's safer with me." I got back up and dusted myself off. His vague answers fueled the fire once more, but before another word could escape my lips, Sasuke grabbed my hand. I anticipated a whisper, an explanation - instead, I found myself thrown back onto his back. His silence was louder than any explanation, his stoic face a fortress guarding secrets.


We finally made it back to our hideout, and there, leaning against the wall, was Kabuto. He shot a piercing look at me, adjusting his glasses like he always did. "For a moment, I thought she escaped," he said, directing his words at Sasuke. I was gently placed on the ground and glanced up at Sasuke. "Where were the two of you?" he asked, suspicion in his eyes.

"We were on a mission," Sasuke replied, trying not to reveal too much about our whereabouts. I shifted my gaze back to Kabuto and then down at my feet. 

I shot a defiant look at Kabuto and then forced a smile. "Were you worried about me?" I teased.

Kabuto glanced to his right before answering, "Worry isn't an emotion I typically experience, but your role is crucial to our plans." He straightened up. "You have a solo mission in a village further away than usual." I huffed and puffed up my cheeks in frustration.

"Is it actually solo this time? Or will you be accompanying me?" I stared amusingly. 

"You will be going alone." He stated firmly.

I squinted my eyes while asking, "What are you guys going to do while I'm gone?" 

"That's none of your concern," he replied, handing me a pamphlet with the mission details. I glanced down and saw that I was headed to a smaller village called the Village Hidden in the Forest. "What a cliché name. Is it really hidden in the forest?" I teased, winking and nudging the air playfully. He didn't seem amused, and I turned around with my cheeks puffed up once again. "This place has such dull energy... Why am I even going there?" I made some hand signs setting the paper on fire in my hand and waited for a response. Both Kabuto and Sasuke were already heading back to the entrance.

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