Deal or No Deal? ⏳

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In the dimly lit cell, the air hung heavy as I sat on the cold, unforgiving floor, tracing the lines of scars on my arms. Every day I was anxiously waiting for the door to unlock even if it meant I was training with Sasuke. There was a chime of keys echoing through the passage, I'm ready for you today, Sasuke.  

I stated knowing I would get my chance to beat him in today's spar. I took a moment to look down at a fresh wound on my leg. I walked to the sink washing the wound and started to bandage the area when the door finally opened, " You ready to get your---" I pivoted on my heels, expecting to lock eyes with Sasuke as usual, only to find Kabuto standing in the doorway. My expression, initially one of discontent, shifted seamlessly into an even more uninterested one.

My gaze met Kabuto's with a cold detachment, and I let out a sigh of annoyance. "What do you want?" I asked, my tone cutting through the silence of the dimly lit cell. The presence of Kabuto, with his elusive motives and ominous demeanor, only added to the frustration that already lingered in the air. I couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected encounter would alter the course of my day, already marked by the harsh training sessions with Sasuke. Kabuto's smirk only widened, the glint in his eyes revealing a satisfaction at my evident irritation. As he nonchalantly pushed up his glasses, his voice took on a condescending tone. "Orochimaru requests you and Sasuke's presence."

I eyed him with a cool indifference, my attention momentarily diverted from the throbbing pain in my leg. "I'll get there when I get there," I replied, my tone dismissive and unbothered. The constant demands from Orochimaru had become a routine annoyance, and I had grown indifferent to the urgency he always expected.

Kabuto grunted in response, his gaze flickering down to the open wound on my leg. "Hurry it up. Don't keep Orochimaru waiting," he commanded, a subtle threat underlying his words. I met his gaze defiantly, refusing to let his attempts at intimidation sway me. I motioned to my injured leg and then gave him a raised eyebrow and some nonverbal attitude. I am going at my own pace. I'll get there eventually. I let out an audible sigh, shaking my head as I went back to tending the wound. He stayed at the door for a few more moments and then walked out without closing the door. That's the first...he usually locks the door.

After finishing up, I walked out into the hall. "I saw him turn left, so I guess I'll just head that way." I said to myself. As I walked down, I looked left and right seeing men and women. SOme were angrily staring at me, others were sad and some were worried. I kept my head down but didnt know which wat to go. "Ugh! This place has no signs. Am I supposed to play hide-and-seek all day?" I kept walking, watching the flames flicker on the wall. My attention anywhere else, but finding the room. I heard footsteps coming closer from the direction I was going. I half expected to see Sasuke, but it was Kabuto... again.

"It's you again... ((╬◣﹏◢))."

He turned to me and sighed, "I told you not to keep Orochimaru waiting!" He raised his voice at me.

I threw my hands up and motioned to the walls, "It's not like there are signs in this stupid place! If there were, enemies could run up and say to themselves, 'Oh look! This is the way to Orochimaru.' and proceed to go and kill him." 

He looked in the other direction, "Are you ignoring me?! The longer I stand here, the longer it takes to get to him. Where is he?!"

He looked back at me, "Oh, you were asking for directions." He stated with a hint of sarcasm and a smug look on his face.

I gave him a dumbfounded look, "What else would I be asking for? Where the exit to the hideout is? Or should I ask where the hidden cookie drawer is?" He turned back around starting to walk ahead, "Are you going to--" (;¬_¬)

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCWhere stories live. Discover now