Hand-to-Hand 🖐🏼

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I had woken up earlier than Sasuke before we started heading out. It was daybreak, and small cafes began to open, selling fresh bread and tea. I grabbed some from a sweet older lady, "What beautiful hair you have. I would pick it up if you don't want it snagging on anything."

I held my hair in my hands and laughed awkwardly at the thought of the guy who sniffed a piece the other day. Now thinking about it, that was creepy.

"I think you're right. I should do that." The strands of my hair had slumped a little from the night before. I groggily readjusted it, as I kept walking until I reached a serene lake where the sun was just beginning to paint the sky with hues of orange and pink. As the early morning unfolded, more people began to show up, drawn to the tranquil beauty of the scene.

However, the air around me suddenly shifted, and a familiar energy made me spin around. There he was, Sasuke, arms crossed, and eyes closed as if he was entirely unbothered by the world around him while also simultaneously bothered. His presence, like a storm on the horizon, created a ripple in the peaceful atmosphere of the waking morning.

"How long have you been standing there?" I held my tea in my hands, taking a sip awaiting an answer. He didn't say a word; instead, he just stared at me with disappointment. "I just wanted to see the sun and take in the breeze. It's not like I can run away. Plus, I said I would join you after the Orochimaru thing." I held half my bread to him, putting the other in my mouth.

"Hn." He looked away, not taking the other half, and started heading back into the forest. His pace was manageable, but he refused to talk the whole way back. I stayed quiet for most of the day, taking small breaks in-between to rest.

"Aren't you going to eat something? You must be hungry. I still have some bread." I took out another piece of bread running up to him. He seemed to be pondering about something, but he continued to refuse conversation. I walked with him silently after this refusal.

When we finally made it back, Kabuto was already awaiting our entrance. "You completed this mission. I guess you have some potential." I smirked, "But not as much as Sasuke." (¯―¯٥) . I then let my smirk go and glowered at him. "Hikari, you are ordered to follow me back to Orochimaru. Sasuke, you are done for the day." Sasuke glanced briefly between me and Kabuto before walking away with his eyes closed. I kept my eyes forward, heading into the room Orochimaru was in.

"She returned," Kabuto said smugly.

"I see. You can now come and go as you please. Without Sasuke watching." He looked at me evilly, "If you try to escape, I will have Sasuke find you and kill you." I held my breath, angered by the thought. I looked up once more at the two men in front of me. "Before you leave... you are being relocated." Kabuto handed me some keys.

"Where exactly am I being relocated to?" I raised my eyebrow, my suspicion growing. (¯―¯٥)

"The room in front of Sasuke. That way, there is always someone watching you." I held my composure thinking about the night prior, and sighed. (눈_눈;) Yeah. My suspicion was correct.

"It seems like my privacy and freedom are still being monitored. But... I'll take it." I bowed, leaving the room and heading to my new room. It is colder than Sasuke's. But theres a sun spot near my bed.

"I can work with this." I said to myself, I was standing in my doorway as Sasuke exited his room. "Hi, neighbor!" He immediately ignored me, my face dropping. On the second thought, maybe the cell was better. (˘έ˘)

I turned around, walking in, and taking a shower. It was early afternoon, and I decided to explore some of the hideout without someone babysitting me. This place is huge!

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora