Meeting another Uzumaki 🍥

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"Karin. I wonder who she is." I looked in the mirror before stepping out. I was quiet, and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Kabuto and squealed silently. 


I looked around before asking, "What are you doing awake? I was on my way out to the Southern Hide Out." He looked down at me and glared. 

"I have to go with you. Sasuke and Orochimaru will meet us there shortly after."

Σ(▼□▼メ) "What about the whole, 'You have a solo mission tomorrow.'?" I mocked how he spoke. His irritation was written on his face as I stepped back a few steps walking behind him with hunched shoulders.


As we walked amongst the tree, I signed "Water Style: Frozen Waters." The grass around his feet started to ice up and as he proceeded to slip and fall. I released the jutsu and looked down at him. He sent dagger eyes my way, "Hikari..." He pushed his glasses up. 

I looked away whistling as if nothing happened. ┐(-。ー;)┌

"Stop with the games. We need to get moving." I started walking a little ahead of him. 

"I'm Kabuto, I don't like having fun." I mocked him again as he shoved his shoulder passed me. "You need to lighten up a bit. Plus, how far is the hideout anyway?" I asked with a bored expression on my face.


"If my calculations are correct, we should arrive there by dusk." I was now behind him still mocking his behavior. Acting as if I had glasses and pushed them up. He looked back at me, and I quickly put my hands back down to my side, smiling and waving.

"Okay. I just think this would've been more fun if I was alone." I said, "And it would probably be faster." I continued, "You know because I would be solo." He kept walking forward and picked up his pace until he was running. I ran with him through the trees, keeping up with him. We had been running for about 3 hours taking breaks in between. When we finally stopped for a short period of time, I was able to ask him a few questions.

I stood there out of breath, "What are we going to the Southern hideout for? You mentioned a Karin. Who is she and why is she important?" He sat down near the trunk of a tree catching his own breath. 

"She has special healing abilities that I am in charge of studying. Her chakra is immense, and she is able to recover fast. She is an Uzumaki as well." I gasped a little at the last part. 

"Like Naruto?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, like your little Leaf Village friend." I held my hands to my side as he was now mocking me.

"What's your deal? How did you become part Uchiha? You weren't written down in my books and there is little known about your Clan." I looked away.

"My clan was killed by some guy years ago. I still don't understand why, but I do not hold the same grudge Sasuke has." I looked at him with sad eyes, "And until you came along, I was learning a lot about the Hoshiko Clan. But I refuse to hold even that against you." I averted my attention to the direction we were heading. "How much longer?" I asked coldly.

"Approximately 2 more hours since we picked up the pace." I looked at him before running off in the direction leaving him behind. The wind carried away the small tears that were developing as I recalled to the last few months. My birthday is coming up. I'll be 15 soon. I wonder if I will ever be able to see my dad, Sakura and Naruto again. What if they count me as a rogue ninja for staying beside Sasuke? I lowered my head down looking only at where I was stepping before being yelled at from behind. 

When Stars Collide | Book 2 | Sasuke X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang