Step Two: One with Nature 🌳

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One Week Later

"Now, we will begin lesson two by putting on a blindfold." I looked at her with a nervous face knowing what the next lesson was filled with. When she handed me the blindfold, I hesitated to take it. "Well? Put it on." I slowly grabbed the blindfold from her placing it on my eyes. "Good."

*Whack Whack Whack* I was hit three times in three different places. I was on the floor. "Remember step one?" I kneeled.

"Get back up." I mocked as I stood back up.

"I'm so proud of you. Now..." *Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack... Dodge* I quickly dodged the last one. I felt the air movement before it hit me but took a chance at which direction. "Did you dodge because you felt it or because you were scared?

"A little of both." *Whack* I felt a smack on my head. I gripped it and rubbed. "Ow ow ow. Wait! What am I learning here? You haven't even told me yet." She laughed loudly.

"I know! I just wanted to mess with you." She continued off.

"Seriously?!?!" I lunged at her but ended up tripping on something. I got back up, tripped again, and then one more time, I fell flat on my face. "Aina-sensei! This is hard! I get it!" I felt the wind from behind me and jumped. I dodged the first attack by dropping to the floor but was successfully whacked on the right leg sweeping me to the floor on the second. 

"hehehe. Listen, you need to meditate everyday whether outside or inside and fell the energy shift around you. Once you feel even the slightest energy, I want you to push chakra to your hands. Ya got all that?" She asked almost in a mocking tone.

"Yeeeeeaahhh...Suuureeee" *WHACK* I held my head and tears were in my eyes. "Aina... Why do you keep hitting me?" She chuckled and left the room. I got on the floor crossing my legs. I haven't felt this cold in a long time but sitting here doing nothing; this feels like day one.

I sat there feeling a small gust of wind and pushed chakra. Then I felt some heat from the fireplace and pushed again. This went on for hours, and my chakra was almost depleted. I felt a gust of wind from the door and pushed out just a little more.

"You've made some impressive progress, Hikari. I recall a time when your chakra would vanish quicker than your ramen. The key to this lesson is to focus on everything around you. The vibrations, the physical feelings, the sounds... When you start tomorrow, I need you to feel the ground and the vibrations that surround you. The true energy this world has."

Two Months Later

I got out of bed, put my blindfold on, and began navigating through the house. I wanted to get as good as Aina-sensei. "You are really getting the hang of this." I looked in her direction, and tea poured onto my hand. I screeched and waved my hands around. "Or maybe I spoke too soon." I was now blowing on my hand to cool it down. I ran to the where the sink was and washed my hands really quickly with cold water. My hand felt like it was welting up as I held a sobbing face. 

"It's not even 7 am and I am getting burned by my own family." I said dramatically. I couldn't see Aina, but I could just feel her stance and if her eyes were on me, I could feel them through both of our blindfolds. 

I ran outside and began my meditation. I had gotten really good at sensing things around me but today felt like hours in between feeling anything aside from the bustling village below.

"Hi-ka-ri?" I heard her say in a sing song manner, "Have you felt anything yet? She whispered in my ears.

"Your warm breath on my ear? Yeah, not exactly a pleasant sensation, more like an unexpected burst of humidity in my ear." Suddenly, I felt something. It was running fast, and I turned in the direction of it activating the chakra in my hands. Aina perked up and looked in the direction. I heard a soft meowing and could tell it was Kirei. "Hey! Where have you been? You just left me one day and never came back." I picked up the tiny kitten and pressed him up to my face. It started to vibrate loudly. "I love you too!" I said in a baby voice. ⊂('• ω •'⊂)

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