Part 3: The Gold Sword

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Scene starts the next morning when everyone is having breakfast in the suite:



Jigen had made everyone pancakes and served them as well. Goemon was looking at the fools sword reading over the engravings, then sets it down. Lupin already began to eat his food as did Fujiko. Eating the pancakes were pretty good you thought, you never thought that Jigen was a little bit domestic before. It was as if he treated his friends like family.

Lupin: These are great man! You could really be a househusband to someone.

Jigen: I just cooked you guys breakfast how would that make me a househusband?

Y/N: *you laughed* It's pretty rare seeing you do something like this

Goemon: Not to mention cooking with a fedora hat on as well

Jigen: This hat doesn't go anywhere off my head unless I'm sleeping, going to a funeral, or a damn party.

Fujiko: Well it is his strength when firing that gun

Y/N: You look kinda cute without your hat to be honest, those bangs falling over your eyes.

Jigen flushed red in his cheeks: IM NOT CUTE OK? Just eat your fricking pancakes!

Everyone else laughed at the table and finished up devouring breakfast. Soon the five of you left the hotel and took a yellow car to travel to Sakurajima volcano which was not too far from where they were. Heading South of Japan they sped as fast as they could past other cars.

Lupin: Damn I hope pops doesn't come after us, he's been a real pain the ass.

Goemon: You spoke too soon

Inspector Zentigata yelling through his speaker behind them: LUPINNNNNN! PULL THE CAR OVER AND GIVE YOURSELF UP!

Jigen: Son of a bitch... *Jigen rolls down and hangs out of the window and fires his gun at the car behind you guys blowing out Zentigata's tires causing it to crash on the side of the road. He gets his body back in the car*

Lupin: Nice shooting Tex!

Goemon: Once we've made it to the volcano there's a specific tree we must look for, a sakura cherry tree

Fujiko: A sakura? How does that grow near an active volcano? It almost seems impossible with all the ashes in the air

Goemon: Notice I said specific fujiko?

Lupin: Since when the hell did you become a smartass?

Goemon chuckles: I never liked you that much whenever you acted overconfident with your intelligence

Lupin: You insult me again I'll take away your Zantesuken!

Jigen lights a cigarette with his lighter and puts it away, he blows a drag: How much you say this sword was Lupin?

Lupin: You guys never really listen do you? It's worth 2.5 billion dollars, more than that diamond we just sold about three days ago. So a sakura tree holds it's rightful place in front of Sakurajima.

Y/N: We're gonna split this money five ways right?

Lupin giggles: Well rookie, if we do get this thing we'll give you a piece of the pie for sure.

Jigen: You cut us short I'll shoot you in the leg

Lupin: Woah there tiger, don't get too feisty! You'll have your cash my good friend, we just need to find that tree cause now we're getting close to this volcano

Goemon: Very well but how do we know how to remove it from the tree we seek?

Lupin: That I don't know, I'm hoping to figure it out before Pops gets to us

Soon you guys come across the large light pink blossom cherry tree that stood out apart from all the others.  Lupin gets out the car and runs up to it in excitement

Lupin: It's beautiful!

Fujiko: How do you get the sword out though? Is it in the bark?

Goemon: This is the difficult part, in order to take the golden sword you must cut down the tree

Jigen: Cut down a gorgeous tree like this for a golden sword? Pretty sad if you ask me.

Lupin: Oh hush now, you could always grow another one now..... Goemon you think you can slice this tree in half?

Goemon: Yes

He takes his Zantesuken out from its casing and leaps up and slices the tree with his sword in a flash.  He lands on his knee and slips his sword back into its casing discreetly.  The beautiful Sakura Blossom cherry tree tips over and  crashes to the side.  Jigen takes off his hat sadly feeling guilty.

Jigen: To be honest I never liked cutting or shooting trees down.  This sword better be worthwhile

Lupin walks up and sees the golden sword sticking out of the stump of where the Sakura tree used to be.  He looks and observes it and flips it over seeing the engravings on it.  It was the same as the fools sword, only this one...was real.

Goemon: So it is true the gold sword has survived all these years?

Lupin: You may be right it is.  And this will get us a paradise to our next location and thievery.  

Y/N: So about that cash split though?

Lupin rolls his eyes: Yes Yes!  I know you'll get it will you chill out already?  We gotta get back to the hotel room and sell this quick to someone we can trust

Fujiko caressed his chin: You smart an silly man~

Fujiko walks over and kisses Lupin on the lips, his eyes grow big and he kisses back chuckling.  Jigen holds his gun to his mouth pretending to blow his head off in disgust, you laugh with Goemon.

You get back in the car with the gang and you turn around to head back for the hotel.  Suddenly you hear that annoying Inspector guy again from behind yall, he also shot at the car.  Jigen grumpy as he is was going to get out of the car window but you pulled him back in.

Jigen: What are you doing? What was that for?

Y/N: Stop wasting your bullets on that guy, save them for someone worse

Jigen scoffs: Well I guess, but they ARE shooting at us right now

Lupin takes a sharp turn and speeds down the street left and right too lose pops again.  He chuckles to himself as usual.

Lupin: She's right Jigen, don't waste your bullets on good ol' pops











End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now