Part 9: A Heated Argument

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It was night time in Miami, you and the gang were shacked up in another nice hotel that overlooked the beach: 



Goemon kept a lookout the roof of the hotel, looking for anyone suspicious to come nearby or bombard the place with bullets or what not.  Lupin grumbles in the living room angrily still pissed off that Fujiko was gone.  Jigen was napping on the couch one leg crossed over the other with his hat low over his eyes and a cigarette hanging from his lips.  Then you were out on the beach balcony overlooking the sand and the ocean, the smell of the sea and its breeze was cool upon your face.  You then go back inside of the living room~



Y/N: So, you gonna leave us again to get something for Fujiko Lupin?

Lupin mumbled: No-- of course not!  That bitch just decided to leave,  I can't fricking believe it!  I stole something for her and she says thanks and leaves!  

Jigen grunted: I keep telling you not to screw around with that woman she's toxic.

Lupin: She's not toxic! She's just...different.

Jigen: Bullshit

Lupin draws his gun out pointing it at Jigen out of anger: SAY THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU!

You pull Lupin back but then he turns and pushes you away aggressively, he is absolutely furious without Fujiko and also her leaving.  Jigen sits up biting the end of his cigarette gritting his teeth, he draws his gun out up against Lupin's chin again.

Jigen: Don't you DARE push or hurt Y/N!  You need to calm your ass down Lupin.

Lupin shoved the barrel of his gun against Jigen's chest: DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO-!

Y/N came between the both of them: GUYS CAN YOU CHILL THE EFF OUT? You're gonna get people to come here and then our hotel room will be gone in a flash!

Lupin: QUIET! 

Jigen: You don't tell her to be quiet-

Lupin: SHUT UP-- you're completely fine because you're having an fling with Y/N and you say you oh so love her!  You don't like women, they've all betrayed you!  None of them has ever come back to you like Fujiko does with me!  You don't think I know you Jigen?!  We've been friend's our entire lives, from enemies to best buddies, and you're so perfect with Y/N and shit?  Tell her you don't love her!  You've never liked women, who knows, maybe she'll betray you. Maybe she'll betray US! TELL HER YOU DON'T LOVE HER!

The room fell completely silent, you stood there unable too move and perhaps scared as well, reached back for your gun in your blue denim jeans, worried about what's about to go down.  Jigen's hand shook a little holding his barrel still under Lupin's chin, his eye peered under his hat looking over to you nervous and tense.

Jigen: You're wrong about her Lupin...she hasn't betrayed us.

Lupin: YET-

Jigen: She's been with us long enough, she hasn't done a thing wrong she's a good woman, don't do this to me Lupin.

Lupin grumbled lowering his gun from Jigen's chest then he glares over to you, he then walks up to you and then his mood changed drastically, his eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms.

Lupin: Is that so? 

Y/N: Of course as long as you don't try to kill me.

Lupin looks back to Jigen, and then back to you with a smirk: Fine! If you're really a nice girl to Jigen so much would you happen to be nice to me--?

He grabbed your wrist and you drew your gun out pointing it at his face

Y/N: Get your fucking hand off of my wrist-

Lupin rolled his eyes and let go annoyed: UGhhhh fine...what a shame.

Jigen: She's mine Lupin, and that's that.

You lower your gun and look up blushing at Jigen's words in surprise.  Jigen put his gun back in his holster and placed his hands in the pockets of his black leather pants.  He then looks up to you and winks with a side smile.  Goemon enters the room~

Goemon: Is everything alright? I heard a lot of commotion

Jigen: We're fine, Lupin was just jealous because I have a real girlfriend.

Lupin: I still don't believe you're together...

Jigen: Oh yeah? Well maybe this will prove it-

Jigen walks over to you, lifts your chin, removes his hat from his head and covers you and him with it  kissing your lips tenderly for the second time.  You held his scruffy face as he deepened the kiss.  Retracting from it you felt like your body became limp as your head became cloudy like you were in heaven.  Jigen puts his hat back on looks over to Lupin with a smirk.

Lupin: ....okay maybe I believe you guys- MAYBE-.

Jigen chuckles: She knows how to shoot pretty well too, so I wouldn't underestimate her skills.

Lupin: Okay! Okay! Will you shut up? I'm going to bed... wake me up if it's Zenigata or those bad guys-!

Lupin leaves to his bedroom slamming the door shut behind him.  Goemon looks over to you and Jigen~

Goemon: He'll transcend hopefully

Y/N: Well, he is pretty much a womanizer so, sucks to be him I guess

Goemon scoffs: You two seem to surprise me more and more.  Well, I'll be outside again on the roof watching from above and resting.  Goodnight you two.

Goemon then leaves outside to the balcony and leaps up to the top of the hotel to be a night owl watching into the night for any signs of danger.  Jigen turns to you tipping his hat up so you could see his eyes and he scratched the back of his neck. 

Jigen: Sorry about Lupin again

Y/N: It's fine, he can't hurt me.  I'm glad you stood up for me though

Jigen: By the way, you wanted an answer about if I really meant to kiss you.

Y/N: And?

Jigen smirks and quietly whispers into your ear: You've shot my heart dead in the center with love.  It's good...

  He kissed your cheek softly, and caressed your chin with his long and thin fingers.  His hand then traveled to your waist, tenderly holding you close to him in an embrace.  

   Your heart raced, and your arms wrapped around his neck, and his partially untrimmed beard brushed up against your cheek as his lips attached to yours again.  Your hands slithered up through his dark greasy black hair entangled in his dark locks.  

   Jigen kisses you deeper letting his tongue dance with yours like a tango.  He groaned deeply caressing and holding your face, parting from the kiss gasping for air.

Jigen: God I love you woman...

Y/N: I love you too Daisuke...

Jigen's eyes widen:  Did you just call me Da--?

*you attach your lips to his again before he could ask, pulling him into his bedroom and closing the door behind you*














End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now