Part 6: Care & Desire

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You and the Lupin gang were farther away from the Eiffel Tower in a little town: 



you were all staying in a motel, Fujiko with Lupin in one room, Goemon by himself in the car sleeping and keeping a lookout, and finally, you were alone with an injured Jigen.

    His hat was beside him in the bed and his black coat was hung by the door. You unwrapped his bloody tie from his leg, he tried to act tough but the iron bullet went through an old scar. You had to remove it yourself....

Y/N hesitantly felt shy in the moment, but in order to take the bullet out of his thigh you'd have to remove his black pants.

Jigen unbuckled his black belt and you helped pull off the tight black pants, he remained in purple boxers and a partially unbuttoned white collared shirt. And his thigh was still bleeding out, you take a small motel towel and apply pressure.

Y/N: I've got some tweezers to remove the bullet

Jigen nods: Yea really didn't have to do this

Y/N: Me wrapping you up again for the second time? I think I always have to, but I do it because I care about you.

Jigen just smiles, then you take your tweezers and discreetly insert and grip onto bullet that was about two inches deep in his leg. He grits his teeth and grunts in pain, you then pull out the bloody bullet and put it in the white motel towel.

Y/N: I'm gonna put some hydroperoxide, so this is gonna sting pretty bad *you take the bottle out from the small med kit and pour some in the cap*

You pour the antiseptic into the wound and Jigen cries out in unbearable pain

Jigen: AUGhH damnit that hurts!

You then take some clean white cloth and wrap his thigh several times and apply medical tape. Jigen then sighs finally after it's all over with the pain.

Jigen: Thank you Y/N...

Y/N closes up the medical kit: Just don't want to see you in pain all the time, it makes me gloomy and

You get distracted by Jigen's appearance, you then feel your cheeks turn pink, he caught you checking him out as well.

Jigen: Hey, it's okay, you don't have to feel embarrassed. You were trying to help me and you knew what you were doing so, you had to do what you had to do.

Y/N: Really?

Jigen reaches to put his hat back on briefly low over his eyes, he then looks back up towards you.

Jigen: I like how you handled Lupin and Fujiko earlier, they really are annoying like that sometimes

Y/N: It's just unfair, and they didn't really think about you and Goemon

Jigen: That's just them I guess.

You shrugged, Jigen looks towards you standing there awkwardly not knowing what else to do. He sits up in bed a little.

Jigen: You know, you don't have to just stand there you can lay next to me you know.

Y/N turns red faced: I-......okay

You crawl on the right side of the bed and lay there stiff as a board not knowing whether to feel excited, nervous, or both. Jigen look over to you with a soft smile, he removed his hat off once again off his head and sets it on the nightstand next to him. He removed the rest of his white collared shirt revealing his partially untrimmed chest. He then lights a cigarette with his lighter and blows a drag.

Jigen: Look, I know you like me. So why don't you just drop the nervous act?

Y/N protested: I-I'm not nervous! You're just really....really uh-

Jigen chuckled holding the cigarette to his lips, his face had short black facial hair, thick coarse eyebrows, a long angled nose, and shiny greasy black hair that drooped down just above his shoulders. He blew a drag again from the cigarette

Jigen smirked: Really what? Spit it out I wanna hear it

Y/N: Sexy....?

Jigen chuckles: There you go

You just laid there red faced wanting to just pounce on him but, you kept that all in your head. Plus he was injured so it's best to keep to yourself, that is unless he asks or suggests something to you. Speaking of which he asks something a little risqué.

Jigen: Apart from emotionally, do you like me physically?

Y/N: Well...from the looks of you yes.

Jigen: Hm, well when I'm not all beaten up an shot in the leg you might like me a little more when I'm able to move.

Y/N turns red again: What are you referring too?

Jigen: We can talk about it later. If you get the hint, as long as I have your permission and I'm not in pain anymore. Speaking of pain...could you get me some aspirin from the bathroom?

You then get up and go to the bathroom and take two aspirins from the bottle and hand them to Jigen. He takes both pills and gulps down a glass of water. Then he laid on his side.

Jigen: We should really get some sleep now

Y/N: Yeah you're right

He turns off the light in the room as it goes to black. You shivered a little as it was very cold in the room suddenly. The heater wasn't on or it wasn't working at the moment.

You tried your best to keep warm under the covers but it wasn't enough. Feeling your shivering, Jigen spoke softly.

Jigen: Come close, it's freezing for me too...

You ended up in Jigen's arms cuddling up close to his bare untrimmed chest, and it was much warmer and you felt like he embraced you right then and there. He sighed holding you close, then in that moment he couldn't resist and succumb to his temptation, with tired narrow but dilated dark eyes~

He caressed your chin gently an attached his lips to yours, kissing you, brushing his long fingers through your hair. 

Then, he groaned softly as he drifted off to sleep snoring. You then fell asleep as well in his protective arms .












End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now