Part 8: Miami

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You and the Lupin gang had arrived in Miami, Florida by plane: 



Just as everything seemed to be going well, Lupin mentions that Pop's was also on the plane and he had followed them on here looking for you guys. However, you were all in disguises and Zenigata couldn't recognize you. Quickly getting off the plane and walking through the terminal you and the gang make way to where the cars were and take a bus down to the Miami coast.

Lupin removes his disguise off his face: Man! I can't wait to sun bathe on the beach! It's been five years since I've been back here to Florida.

Fujiko: You know, there's that guy that's gonna recognize you and ask you to rob his bank again.

Lupin: I forgot about him

Y/N: Some guy purposely asks you to rob a bank?

Lupin: Yeah, he has me steal and it makes him look good for the public because he has the biggest and fanciest bank in all of Florida.

Y/N: That makes no sense at all, stealing from them should make them look bad because they can't protect all the cash in the vaults.

Lupin: Eh, yea exactly.

Goemon: Some people see Lupin as a hero rather than an enemy

Lupin: You mean OUR group Goemon.

Goemon: No...just you.

Jigen: You sure those bad guys aren't still after us?

Lupin: Oh I'm sure they still are, but, we're ways away from them now. Why don't cha relax Jigen and let your scar heal up again? You probably still have a difficult time walkin' don't you?

Jigen shrugged: Eh, it's not a big deal, Y/N patched me up pretty good so I should be fine. But, I guess it couldn't hurt to go to a sand bar by the beach. I'm still unsure about those guys, they could be following us so I'm gonna keep my gun with me.

Later...Lupin is chilling back on a beach chair in his swimshorts on, Fujiko laying on her stomach suntanning her back in her bikini, Goemon ate some watermelon under the umbrella sitting on a beach towel in the same robe samurai outfit. The waves and tides flowed in and out of the sea and onto the soft grainy sand. You were also chilling in a swimsuit laying back on a beach-chair with some sunglasses on. Meanwhile Jigen was way over by the sand bar just in his purple collared shirt with his sleeves rolled up drinking his usual scotch drink.

Lupin sighs: I might just go back and rob that bank for fun again, and to get a little moo-la for us. I can probably convince Jigen to just go with me this time.

Fujiko: Thank god your not actually obsessed with me, I was just gonna leave you guys on my own terms.

Lupin: Where would you go?

Fujiko: Mm, away from you.

Lupin sits up in the beach chair: What? Why! I got you a necklace an everything, and now you're leaving us again?

Fujiko: I have my own wars too Lupin, I can handle myself and I need to break away from you sometimes too. But I'll come back.

Lupin grumbles angrily and lays back in the beach chair again: Women!

Fujiko scoffs: You drool over other girls too Lupin, you don't think I notice?

Lupin: But I mostly like YOU! And I know you like me too I just know it!

Fujiko: I saw you looking at that girl in the green bikini earlier, you make me sick you know that?

Lupin crosses his arms almost throwing a tantrum about it: I DID NOT!

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt