Part 18: Cup of Noodles

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AUHTORS NOTE: (I literally can relate to the picture above cause I was writing this while eating Ramen Noodles lmaoooo anyways back to the story XD)





   You had just started to wake up, the bright light blinded your eyes for a moment until everything became clear:



You sit up in a bed finding yourself in a decently nice house now.  You had no idea why you were there or how you got there.  All you remember was worrying about Lupin's group and Jigen.  Then you look towards the door way to see Jigen's silhouette smoking a cigarette.  He walks out of the dark light and sits on the side of the bed wearing the same dark suit, white collared shirt, dark black and grey stripped tie, and a new dark brimmed hat.

Jigen: I see you've finally waken up.

Y/N: Wha? What happened?

Jigen: We came to rescue you.  We barely made it out alive at least for Lupin.

Y/N: Is he okay?

Jigen: He's doing okay, he's pretty banged up though.   

Y/N: What about Zentigata?

Jigen: He actually saved Lupin believe it or not.

Y/N: The guy that wanted to arrest him? 

Jigen: He had a temporary change of heart I guess.  I had to lug you around dodging bullets, pretty intense what we all had to go through to get you back.

Y/N: I'm grateful and surprised.

Jigen: Surprised? What makes you say that?

Y/N: That you cared to come after me.

Jigen: You're a good person Y/N, and I love you, so I forced Lupin to come with me along with Goeman to get you back.  We also ended up killing the Akihito Osaki guy, the one that was friends with that other guy I killed.

Your stomach growled, Jigen chuckled as he left the room and came back later with a cup of noodles for you that was just out of the microwave.  He handed it to you with some chopsticks as you sat up in bed and ate some of it.

Jigen: It all had to start with Lupin stealing the red necklace.

Y/N slurped the noodles: Which led to Katashi, then led to Akihito almost murdering  you guys right?

Jigen: Pretty much.  But Fujiko's back.

Y/N: I wouldn't be surprised, why is she back?

Jigen: She heard Lupin was in critical condition so she flew a helicopter over after giving Goeman a signal.  

Y/N: Oh my god, did he really get beat to hell?

Jigen: Yea, he usually doesn't get scathed like he did against Osaki but, this guy was a fighter.  At least Zenigata killed him.

Y/N: Zenigata killed Akihito?!

Jigen: I was fuckin surprised to, he never kills anyone he's not supposed to under his Interpol record.  Luckily we heard that none of his co-workers suspected a thing.  And he's going back to trying to arrest Lupin once he's all better.

Y/N: That man loves his job, I'm sure he gets paid a lot.

Jigen scoffed: Well I guess, he won't have anything better to do if he catches all of us with handcuffs.

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now