Part 15: Kidnapped

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Scene starts out with you and the Lupin gang on the roof of some building chilling together, it was night time still in Los Angeles, and the night before was a memorable night with your gunman partner:



Lupin looked at his gold watch waiting and waiting, the rest of the gang had no idea why he brought the rest of you guys up here.  Then there was the sound of a helicopter propeller.  In a blue suit, black collared shirt, and red tie, he snickered mischievously.

Lupin: Right on time.

The helicopter landed and out came Zenigata already jumping out in front of Lupin.  Jigen draws his gun and Goeman unsheathes his sword but Lupin stops them.  You stood up on your feet seeing what was going on.

Inspector Zenigata: Finally giving up eh?

Lupin held the collar of his blue suit: Not exactly pops, I'm here to make a deal with ya.

Inspector Zenigata: I'm not falling or joining you, the one place your going to is prison!

Lupin: Okay, listen hear me out, I need your help with something and it's for the both of our sakes.  And I'll promise you at the end of it all I'll let you arrest me.

Jigen: What-?!

Inspector Zenigata scratched his chin: Hmmmmm I'm not so sure about this, what you need my help for?

Lupin: Ohh let's just say a couple of bad guys are after us and there on there way to possibly kill us from Japan.

Inspector Zenigata: Bad guys? What do you mean!

Lupin: They got a little mad at me for somethin and now there chasing us trying to assassinate us, there worse than I am, so would you let us have a ride somewhere safe before they get here?

Inspector Zenigata: UGHH I don't know if I can trust you! You just might wanna to steal my helicopter for all I damn know! *he walks backwards in front of the helicopter drawing his gun shakily*

   Suddenly there was a loud gunshot that came from behind you.  Ducking you screamed as a bullet flew past your head.  Lupin turned around drawing his gun as he saw the mafia gang firing and leaping over building tops.  Jigen crouches and shoots his gun BANG BANG BANG!  Hitting a couple of the guys.

You draw your gun out to fire back at the guy that just almost hit you.  Zenigata held his light brown hat shooting his gun at the other bad guys that he now believed in Lupin.  Goeman unsheathes his Zantesuken and runs and jumps over to the next building slicing his sword.

   Jigen turns and fires his gun again, then he reloaded.  You fire your gun but then it gets shot out of your hand, holding your wrist you grit your teeth painfully.

Y/N: OUCH! Damn-!

Goeman: Zenigata the helicopter!

Zenigata got his gun shot out of his hand: OH crap!

One of the bad guys topples on Zenigata pinning him down, you had also been pinned down by one of the mafia guys unable to reach your gun.  Jigen swiftly turns and runs after you shooting his gun hitting a couple guys in the back, they struggle but manage to get you in the helicopter.

   Goeman sliced another bad guy dead and turns and races back to the helicopter hopping from building top to building top.  Lupin sinks down on the ground bombarded by bullets now on the ground on his stomach as he shot back.

Lupin: There's too many of them!

Jigen looks up shooting at the propellers: They've got Y/N and Zenigata!

Jigen draw his gun again and shot the other guys dead for Lupin, his friend gets up and runs.  Continuously firing his gun until he was out of bullets, the helicopter raised up in the air blowing Jigen's hat off.  

Jigen yelled: NOOO Y/N!!!

You were tied up with rope and a tape over your mouth in the helicopter with Inspector Zenigata.  At least you weren't alone, but you were scared shitless. 

   The main mafia boss lowered his dark sunshades, wearing a white pearl suit and red tie, clean white pants, and dark black formal shoes.  He had short parted yellow blonde hair, green eyes, and had a menacing smile.  

Mafia Boss: The name is Akihito Osaki, please to meet you miss Y/N L/N.  And same goes for you Mister Kochi Zenigata.

You couldn't say anything because your mouth was taped shut, same went for the Inspector Zenigata who protested with the tape over his mouth.

Akihito: Please Please...I wouldn't move or talk as much, I'll explain to you both what is about to happen...

The mafia boss lights a cigarette igniting the tip, snapping his lighter shut he puts it back in the breast pocket of his coat.  He takes the cigarette out of his lips and exhales the smoke.

Akihito: We're taking you both to secret base where you will tell us everything about Lupin and how must I plan to murder him and the rest of his friends.  Why didn't I want Lupin right now if you may ask?  That is simply because he has reconciled with old friends that he shouldn't have, that includes Daisuke Jigen, one whom was associated with Kanji Ryu, Katashi, who was a good friend of mine, and that is now dead.  I wanted to give you two a chance of a lifetime to kill Lupin and his friends or perhaps lock him up for eternity, and grant you both one hundred billion dollars, more than anything you could ever think of.  You would live in eternal wealth for the rest of your lives.  This is something you should really consider.

Akihito removes your tape over your mouth, you spat in his face.


Akihito: Hmmmm that's because your one of his friends too I see.

He caressed your chin  as you panicked, then he pinches your ear and removes the blue earrings, you hissed in pain.  He looks at them with a smirk.

Akihito: The stolen Cleopatra earrings, huh, you must've stolen these yourself.  Pretty good for a petty thief.

Y/N: Oh whatever! I'm not agreeing to a hundred billion bucks to kill Lupin and his friends. I'm not gonna help you!

Akihito sighed: That's a shame, well, looks like you and Inspector will just have to suffer once we've arrived to the base.

You worry as you turned to look at Zenigata who then was quiet  with the tape over his mouth as he hung his head low unable to help you.  

   The poor Inspector closed his eyes dozing off as you prayed for yourself, Zenigata, and for Lupin's friends.  














End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now