Part 19: A Revelation

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You awoke the next morning in bed unclothed laying on top of the gunman's chest beneath the silk sheets;
The sunlight pierced through the white curtains as the sound of Jigen's snoring filled the room with you. Gently moving off of him to the left side of the bed, you sit up with a soft sigh, then head for the bathroom.  You splashed some cool water on your face and rinsed your hands. 

    You felt slightly dizzy and woozy in the head.  It made you feel very strange that wasn't the usual way you felt every morning.  You then reached and out on a robe around yourself.  Then Fujiko met you in the bathroom in her skimpy red silk robe.

Fujiko: You doing okay hon?

Y/N: Yea, I jus feel a little ill for some reason, I don't know.

Fujiko: Ill? That's usually not you.

   You felt your stomach do swirlies, getting dizzy again, you went to the toliet hunching over it.  Fujiko  gasped in surprise as you vomited miserably into the toilet bowl.  The acid burned your throat a little, you head pounded.

Fujiko: I don't understand how you got sick, we never came across any virus or diseased place like that.

   Y/N's eyes widened as she flushed the toliet and went to wash her mouth out.  Fujiko noticed this as she turned off the sink.

Fujiko: Anything wrong, you could always tell me y'know.

Y/N: Why would I tell you? I don't even know why I feel bizzare.

Fujiko gasped softly: Wait a minute

Y/N: What?

Fujiko: You could be pregnant

Y/N: NO! That's ridiculous I can't be pregnant!

Fujiko: *pulls out a pregnancy test from the pocket of her robe*

Y/N: why do you just carry a bunch those around all the time?

Fujiko: Well you know how Lupin is! That horny bastard, plus you don't think I know about your relationship with Jigen?

Y/N sheepishly turned pink: Well~ I guess everyone knows now.

You take the test and Fujiko leaves the bathroom and the bedroom.  You then took the test and nervously waited for the results, in that time Jigen was just starting to wake up.

   The result were just starting to form on the test, as you eyed it carefully.  You were nervous as hell, and quite sick.  And after about ten to twenty minutes there was a cross line on the pregnancy test indicating that you were pregnant...

Y/N:.....oh shit~

What were you gonna tell Jigen? This was an unexpected predicament you didn't meant for it to happen.  Suddenly, the bathroom door swings open from behind you, Jigen standing there half-asleep nude.  You gasped in fright.

Jigen: Oh damn, sorry doll I didn't know you were in here.
   Then he notices the test you held in your hands.  His eyes widened with fright.

Jigen: Shit is that a pregnancy test?

Y/N nodded: I felt really sick this morning's uh~ positive.

Jigen slapped his forehead: MAN! I should've pulled out but so was too damn head-fucked.  Ugh, okay okay it's fine it's fine~

Y/N: I-I'm sorry

Jigen: No it's not your fault, we're gonna get through this together.  Ok?  It's just fricking dangerous that's all, with us and the Lupin gang going everywhere all the time. 

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now