Part 11: The Sapphire Earrings

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It was later into the night and Goeman waited outside by the wall with his Zantesuken unsheathed:



You, Lupin, and Jigen come out of the bushes to the guards that stood there outside of the Museum with their arms behind their back. Lupin takes a small hollowed out wooden straw and blows into it shooting a blow dart at the three guards necks. They all pass out on the ground with the temporary chemical that made them drowsy.

Lupin: The Native American's are pretty neat I'll tell you

You change into the security guard outfit and the three of you enter the Museum clicking on your flashlight.  You check around to see if there was anyone else, so you lead the way down the long corridor into the old artifacts exhibit.

Y/N whispered: You sure there aren't cameras?

Lupin: Oh there are, just act normal like your checking the place out

You continued looking at the artifacts and glass casings that held old pottery and paintings. You three then came across a guard that stood in front of another exhibit, you nodded to the guard and he let you go in. However he stopped Jigen and Lupin~

Guard # 1: You two look suspicious, Let me see your ID's please

You turn around hesitantly worried for Lupin however, he took out a card from his pocket with two fake ID's, one with Jigen and one with himself but in the police outfit.

Guard # 1: Hmm...okay then, go ahead

Lupin looks over to you with a wink as you gasped with relief. Entering into the next room and exhibit it was filled with paintings and artifacts.  Probably one of the most inspiring rooms you've walked through so far. Shining your flashlight on a small original Van Gogh painting.

Y/N: Wow...this is incredible

Lupin: Wait till you see the earrings in the next room

Jigen: You know, I think we should let Y/N try to get it in the room.  It's just in that small glass case on the gold ring rack in the center of the room.

Y/N: But how am I suppose to get the earrings if there encased in the glass?

Lupin: That you'll have to figure out yourself

Y/N: Thanks a lot asshole.

Jigen: You have a gun don't you? Just shoot the glass.

Y/N: But that's gonna cause a scene and the guards will pull there guns out on us

Lupin: Which is why Goeman is going to cut the hole when I send him the signal

Y/N: Which is?

Lupin: I'll shout out his swords name.

You then turn your attention back to the exhibit and walk in there, there was about five guards in the room standing by the wall, you took out some random micro towel and a spray from your belt that was attached to it.  One of the guards walks up to you in suspicion but you ask a question.

Y/N: Sir, how do I get this casing open?  I'm here to polish and clean the sapphire earrings for this shift.

Guard # 2: Is it on your schedule?

Y/N: I'm positive.

Guard # 2 nods to Guard # 3 and, Guard # 3 presses a button on the wall.  The class casing lifts up and you gently take the earrings off the gold rack with the micro towel and act like you were cleaning them.  The Second Guard kept his eye on you and towards Jigen and Lupin who were in disguise in the room.  You discreetly slip the earrings into the collar and down your shirt of your police outfit, you then act like you dropped the earrings and gasped and acted like you caught them.  But in reality, they were just your fake blue earrings...

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now