Part 5: Ambushed

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It was night time now in Paris:



Everything was still calm and quiet in the hotel, the Eiffel tower glowed in the distance overlooking the glowing city below it. You ate some of the food Jigen and Goemon cooked in the kitchen, it was miso soup and yakisoba noodles in teriyaki sauce. It was real savory, and it was nice not to be accompanied by Lupin for once.

Goemon: I have to give it too you, this dish is really good Jigen

Jigen: Better cooking than drinking I guess right?

Y/N: So is it true that you tried to kill yourself once when your Zantesuken was stolen away from fujiko that one time Goemon?

Goemon: *he closes his eyes in shame* I could not transcend, I rather die than live in shame

Jigen: Yea but you really worked yourself up buddy

Goemon: Zantesuken is my life! It is my precious weapon that always is in my possession wherever me and my ancestors go

Y/N: Hmm, Jigen you also overreact when you don't have your hat on or it gets blown off your head.

Jigen: It's my signature look you know

Y/N: Yeah you're right, you look pretty good with the hat I must say, it fits with your aesthetic

Goemon: Dark aesthetic he is

Jigen: I'm not dark, I'm just inspired by James Coburn and the nineteen twenties. Also the old western gun revolver too.

Jigen pulls out his Smith & Wesson Model 19 handgun, he spins the barrel and clicks the trigger but no bullet goes off. He beckons that the safety was on.

Goemon: I prefer blades over bullets

Y/N: I've just got a Hartford type 26 revolver *you pull out your gun to show it off*

Suddenly there was a big knock at the door that was very menacing, and someone yelled through the door, however it wasn't Inspector Zenigata. This was someone who was looking for Lupin about the red ruby necklace.

Man behind door: Open Up or we'll fire!

Goemon stops eating and stands up immediately: We need to escape, now.

Man behind door: YOU ASKED FOR IT!

Suddenly a bombardment of bullets flew through the door and you and Jigen get down and Goemon leaps up unsheathing his sword and slices the bullets in half as fast as he could. But there was so much that he had to hide under the sofa in the living room. Jigen draws his gun out still crouched down and shoots back at the door.

Man behind door: KICK THE DOOR DOWN!

The door crashes to the floor with hundreds of bullet holes in it. Goemon leaps up and starts attacking with his sword and punching the people that intruded. Jigen ducks and shoots hitting and killing several guys in leather jackets and dark sunshades. You fire your gun as well and karate kick some random guy out the room. Jigen shoots behind himself and hits a guy causing the guy to crash through the glass and out of the building.


Goemon slices another guy: Hurry.

You sneak out of the room and run down the hall, Goemon and Jigen run after you. Jigen shoots behind him as he ran away from three guys that were still alive with their glocks.

Y/N: Who are those guys?!

Jigen: I don't know but they sure are pissed about Lupin!

Goemon: There! The door!

All three of you ran out the door and are chased down the streets of Paris towards the Eiffel Tower. You leading the way take a turn down the alley way, the three bad guys split up. The tall man fires his gun at you and you scream and run away down the alley like some chicken with it's head cut off. This was a very scary situation you were in.

You then crouch and turn and shoot your gun dead-shot right in the middle of his head. The tall man falls on the ground dead and bleeding everywhere. You stood up in shock for a moment after killing your first guy. However, this was interrupted when you heard Jigen cry out. You then start running.


Goemon meets up with you: Where did you hear that?

Y/N: He's over there come on!

You and Goemon run as fast as you could and see the last man pointing his gun down at Jigen who was injured on the ground weakly holding his gun.

Bad Guy 3: You take another step an he dies!

Goemon: You kill him I shall take your life to your ancestors *he unsheathes Zantesuken*

Bad Guy 3 then holds out a second gun out at you with with his other hand

Bad Guy 3: You do that I'll kill her as well

Y/N pulls out her gun pointing it at Bad Guy 3 gravely~

Y/N: I wouldn't do that if I were you fucker

Everyone didn't move an inch, everyone was frozen except Jigen who grit his teeth in pain holding his left leg that was shot and bleeding out. As everything seem tense, suddenly there was a big gunshot CRACK!

Bad Guy 3 is shot through the head and falls on the ground bleeding out of the back of his head dropping his gun on the ground in front of you. You look up the alleyway on top of the building and see Fujiko standing there holding her handgun, she smiled.

Fujiko: You all were in a pickle weren't you?

Y/N hissed: And where the fuck we're you?!

Fujiko holds out the red ruby necklace as Lupin walked up next to her with a grin as well

Fujiko: I was just out for a stroll around Paris and then Lupin shows up with a red ruby necklace to give to me, as always a gentleman should.

Lupin chuckles: I told ya she'd like me better you guys!

Y/N goes off angrily: We were ambushed at the hotel because of you stealing that necklace an Jigen gets fucking injured, you're both heartless bastards!

Fujiko: Hey! I just saved you and Jigen from being killed at least, be happy that that happened alright? Plus, I found us another place we could get settle down in, it's not as fancy but it's good enough. I promise you.

Jigen limps on one leg, you go over and sling his arm around you, he groaned in pain unable to walk on the one leg.

Y/N: Lupin! Do you have a car?

Lupin: Yeah! I'll come down and bring it don't worry!

You turn your attention back to Jigen, you quickly look for a rag or something but can't find one to wrap his leg with. Then you get an idea and remove Jigen's tie from his collared shirt immediately and wrapped his leg with his black tie tightly applying pressure, he grits his teeth grunting. Goemon assists as well putting Jigen's arm over him on the other side.

Goemon: Don't worry, we'll have you rest soon

Y/N: Just hang in there Jigen...










End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now