Part 10: Jigen's Heart

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~Suggestive Content only at beginning~





You and Jigen were cuddling close in the moment under the sheets:  His hat was on the ground. His head laid in the crook of your neck, he held you close in his arms breathing slowly.  Not only you wanted to protected eachother and were partners, but you both loved eachother very deeply. His messy and greasy black hair and to his dark untrimmed beard, and his cheeks were a dark shade of pink, he nervously asked you an important question.

Jigen kissed your cheek softly: With my gun I want you to promise me something.

Y/N replies softly: What is it?

Jigen inhales gently closing his eyes: If anything were to happen to me.... if anyone tried to kill me unarmed...promise me, you'll kill me.

Y/N looks to Jigen in confusion: W-What?

Jigen: Please just hear what I'm saying's just between you and me.  If I were threatened at gunpoint, no Lupin to save me, no Goemon, and no Fujiko there,  Me being threatened at gunpoint unarmed and your with me.  Promise me, you'll kill me?

Y/N: I-I but.... *you hesitated*

Jigen held your hands: I love you and by damn If I were to die, I rather be shot dead in my heart by you instead of some bad guy or policeman.

Y/N inhales and starts to feel like tears forming in her eyes feeling awfully sad about his words and the scenario he proposed, it took you a moment until you then nod finally. Jigen softly kisses you again.

Jigen: I'm sorry but I had to ask you.

Y/N sighs: I know...and I promise.

Jigen: Also, if Lupin starts talking stupid risque jokes about us just ignore it, he's a real smartass and likes to make you feel bad.  Don't let it go to your head.  *he sits up on his side of the bed and gets up to grab his dark black pants, he slips them on and goes to the closet in the room*

Jigen: We're gonna be leaving in about an hour so we better get dressed.

You got out of bed and went to grab and put on some fresh new clothes.  Lupin was already outside with Goemon in the living room discussing about where to head too next.  You and Jigen come out of the room fully dressed, you were in a dark green dress and Jigen in a light blue collared shirt, white tie, and his black hat and coat. 

Lupin: Well Well look who finally came out of bed from cuddling.

Jigen: Don't start

Lupin snickered: Awww come on Ji-Ji!

Jigen grit his teeth: I said DONT START-now where are we going?

Lupin: We're heading to the Miami State Museum to recover Cleopatra's earrings, it's worth 3.4 billion and it's in a glass case surrounded by ten guards in a large room.  The earrings are made of pure gold and sapphires, they are also over a thousand years old perhaps way more.

Jigen: For once you're giving us good information.  We haven't had that in a while.

Lupin rolled his eyes: Whatever man.  Let's get going.

You and the Lupin gang minus Fujiko, left the miami hotel that early morning together in a small yellow car and traveled down the street together through the stoplights and stop signs.  It was a pretty long drive and way early in the morning.  Plus you and Jigen were very hungry.  However, Lupin said he would stop at a coffee place.  He parked in front of a coffee shop and Goemon goes in to get the order.

    He later comes out with egg bites and coffee for you and Jigen.  Then Lupin leaves the place and continues driving and checking his rearview mirror to see if Pops was around.  So far he wasn't.

   Jigen munched his food hungrily: Ah we should get this again!  This is really good.

Y/N ate as well: Tell me about it

Lupin: We're almost there, I'm gonna have to park this thing in the alleyway.

Lupin parks the yellow car in the shady part and gets out of the car.  Goemon gets out and listens to the wall.

Lupin: What is it Go Go?

Goemon: I can hear the guards through the wall, the exhibit must be right here.

Lupin smirks: Well this will makes things easier for tonight!

Jigen: How do you know for sure that's where the earrings are?

Lupin also listened to the wall:  If my calculations are correct i hear a guard standing right where I'm listening, which means the earrings are surrounded by five guards instead of ten.  The other five are on the outside of the exhibit as well. 

Y/N: Are they there all day and night?

Lupin: Yes rookie, but don't worry we're gonna be able to swipe those earrings in no time.

Goemon: Wait--I hear someone else

Lupin raises a brow listening: Huh?

*Muffled Inspector Zenigata through the Wall*: I have a hunch that Lupin is gonna swipe these so you all better know what you're doing!  I know he's gonna come for them!

*Muffled Guard through the Wall*: The earrings are well under high security Mr. Zentigata, with you here we'll definitely have the earrings to be more in safe hands

*Muffled  Inspector Zenigata*: I'm just doing my job, and I'm gonna catch Lupin and his friend's if it's the last thing I do!

Lupin retracts from listening through the wall: Well! Looks like this'll be a challenge!  I'm all up for challenges.

Jigen: So what's the plan?

Lupin smirks: I've decided to let the rookie think up of a plan instead.

Y/N: What? Me! I don't know how to get in there unseen unless I knocked out some guy in a guard costume, and put that on an somehow sneak in and shoot all the other guards dead and stole the earrings and Goemon cuts a hole through a wall for us to escape....

Everyone fell silent looking at you.

Y/N: Was...was that the plan?

Lupin snickered: Yes Indeed.








End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now